Sighted a small dog, light brown with black and gray tipped fur. Pomeranian or Spitz type. Running at large. Came across John Stewart Drive, Cole Harbour, ran down Halo towards Tamara and Stirling Drive. Lost sight at the walking path that connects Halo to the end of cul-de-sac at Stirling.
SIGHTED: Roaming Dog: Pom/Spitz type small dog, beige with black tips – Cole Harbour, NS
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Am Staff Mix, Brown/Black Brindle, adult – Meadowvale Rd, Greenwood, NS
HAPPY ENDING: Roaming Dog/Mumford Area Halifax
This dog has been reunited wirh it’s owner.
A dog was found early this morning (Saturday, April 9th) in Halifax, on Mumford road near Olivett st. If you think this may be your dog email me (kijiji ad) a description or picture. In the meantime, it is being well taken care of.
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Harold: Beagle – Sydney, CB
HAPPY ENDING: Harold is Home Safe n’ Sound!! Thank you to everyone that helped and spread the word. Fantastic!
LOST BEAGLE: Harold: 2 1/2 years old – LOST walking on Colby St., Sydney at approx 8:00 pm, he snapped his lead. 07/04/2011. He can scare easily, especially to loud noises. Best to kneel down and call him. He has a collar and is tagged. He is a very friendly dog, very submissive, not at all aggressive.
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Brady: Siberian Husky – New Glasgow, NS
Happy Ending… Home safe n’ sound… and a little dirty and stinky, but home. Yeah Brady!! Good work everyone… thanks!
My Siberian Husky Brady escaped from our yard today- Friday April 8. He is suspicious in nature and will not attack but may bite if he feels threatened. Please call us if you have any information as to where he might be or if you may have seen him.
FOUND: Safe with Animal Control: Roaming Dog: Black Lab Mix, female – Lower Nine Mile River, NS
This dog has been caught, thank goodness, and is safe with Animal Control and will eventually be with the local SPCA. Please spread the word. This dog looks like a Lab/Newf Mix (Newf-like head). She had a part of a chain hanging off her collar.
There have been many sightings in the last few days of a black dog (lab?) running around in Nine Mile River. It looks like it has a collar with possibly a piece of rope hanging off. It has been apparently seen sleeping in a field and on several people’s properties. A few people have tried to approach it but cannot get close enough becuase the dog runs. It has been seen the most between the Old Enfield Rd and Renfrew Rd, Lwr Nine Mile River. Thanks!
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Roaming Dog: Husky, male, young – Bible Hill, NS
Happy Ending: This young fella has been reunited with his owner. Home Safe n’ Sound.
This Husky has still not found it’s family. Plesae spread the word that he is safe and needs to go home. Thanks.
Roaming young male husky, wearing a black and blue collar, not tags. Found in Bible Hill, NS.
Updated April 11/11 Resolved
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lucy: Beagle, female, White with Brown/Black Patches – Northend Sydney, CB
Happy Ending, Lucy is home safe n’ sound… Yeah!!
Please help me find my dog. She broke off her chain Thursday April 7 at 6am in the northend of Sydney. There have been a few spottings of her up around the hospital and Alexander/ Dutch Brook street, so we think she is in the woods in that area. If anyone sees her please call , she is 9 years old, and has never been free before. She is a small Beagle, brown and white patches, her name is LUCY. She should have her collar on unless she has slipped it off her neck. If anyone spots her PLEASE PLEASE call. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.