On the 107 Highway between Preston and Lake Echo turn offs… Med sized Brown/Black mix breed dog with Brown Leather collar was spotted by several people out on the Highway … would not come to people , last seen running into wooded area that would come out on Keltic Drive area in Lawrencetown …
SIGHTED: Roaming Dog: Mix Breed: Black/tan Med Sized Dog – Hwy 107 Preston/ Lake Echo Exits
Happy Ending: Home Safe n Sound: Chevy: Golden Retriever, male, 2 yrs old – Power's Rd off Terrance Bay Rd
Please help my find my baby – went missing from Power’s road area off Terrance bay road. His name is Chevy and he is 2 years old. He is very friendly and would go with anyone.
Please call 483-4209 if you have seen him… thank you
FOUND: Roaming Dog: Pomeranian, black, female, young – Lower Sackville, NS
I have a black pomeranian that was hanging around my house with no I.D. tag. She is female and still a puppy. If this is your baby call me 220-4502 Mandy
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Sable: Lab Mix, Female, Fawn Colour, Pink Collar – Rafuse Rd, Waterville Area, NS
Happy Ending: Home safe n’ sound:
“Sable was found last night:) (April 18/11) shes in good shape just a little sore from all the running! thanks for your help getting the word out!”
Lost Dog Saturday afternoon .. her name is Sable, she is fawn in color and has a pink collar with all her tags and phone numbers. She was lost while visiting in the Waterville area. Seen once on Rafuse Road and heading west at that time. She is very friendly and we would love to get her back….. She has just recently been rescued from the SPCA and timid.
HAPPY ENDING: Roaming Dog: Small dog no collar – Enfield Area
HAPPY ENDING: Safe n' Sound:Roaming Dog: Greyhound, Brindle, Male (NOT Bella/Passport) – South and Barrington Sts
Happy Ending! This big guy is safe n’ sound… the owners were all over the South End Halifax looking for him. Great news. Happy for the dog and family. YEAH!!
A male, brindle Greyhound was reported roaming in the Park in front of the Westin Hotel at the South End of Barrington St. It has been picked up by GPAC, Greyhound Pets of Atlantic Canada. It is safe and sound, but needs to find it’s owner.
This is NOT Passport/Bella, the well publicized missing Greyhound in the North End of Halifax. Her last sighting was around 2:00 this afternoon on Leeds St. Everyone please check your yards, under decks, behind/in outbuildings… P/B is out there somewhere.
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Ben: Sheltie, male – Trails behind Bayers Lake
Happy Ending: He is home safe n’ sound now. Thanks everyone!!
Lost Sheltie on trails behind value village in Bayers lake. Answers to the name ben. Good boy, but a little shy.
Received this by email and have mailed back requesting more information. (HeatherM)
LOST DOG: Henry: Beagle, male, 11 month old – Kingswood Subd., Hammonds Plains, NS
Re-Connecting: One of our intrepid Networkers has discovered a poster for a FOUND beagle meeting Henry’s description. She is going to connect the owners with the finders and hopefully we will be able to report Henry home safe n’s sound very soon! Thanks HelenB.!
Henry ran off approx. 5 pm Thursday, April 14, near Diana Drive in Kingswood. Small beagle, large floppy ears, 11 months old, wearing red canvas collar that has paw prints on it. Please call 220-3087 asap with any information!!!
HAPPY ENDING: Safe n' Sound: Collie Mix, female, beige, medium sized – East Lawrencetown (HRM) Area
Sandy has just been reported found! Owner is on her way to pick her up. She was picked up by a lady last night on the Crowell Road and she graciously took her home for the night to keep her safe !!!! YAY!
Sandy has been missing since last night (Thurs April 14th) in the area of East Lawrencetown, Hfx Mun. She is a med sized beige collie cross. Very friendly !
She did not have a collar on, no microchip or tattoos (we rescued her 8 yrs ago), she has all her shots and is spayed … sigh She went over to the barn with my husband and came home (normal routine) – was sitting on the deck and then disappeared.. not odd for her to walk around out here we have 100’s of acres around us… she has never gone this long…
Please call 827-5002 or 499-3977
SIGHTED: Roaming Dog: Black Lab, No Tags – Carrols Corner
7am – Roaming Black Lab on the 277 Hwy at Carrols Corner
No tags.
Anybody know whose dog he is?