HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n’ Sound! Thanks everyone for your support… well done!
LOST DOG: White Poodle – Lost Dog in Simpson’s Corner Church Area, around 4:00 p.m. July 21/11 – White Poodle, Very Timid
HAPPY ENDING: Jenna was picked up by her very happy owners this morning… thanks to the fine folks at Bark n’ Fitz for taking such good care of this old girl.
FOUND a Shepherd or Shepherd Mix. Female with a Purple collar and no Tags in the Oxford/Quinpool Area. She has taken her home for the night and will like lt bring her in to the store tomorrow. Not sure one her Age. She seems a bit older but her teeth don’t look too bad.
Thursday July 21,2011
This morning, at around 6am i tried to catch a small, brown, terrier type dog. The dog was on Chester Road (rte 14) in Vaughans – starting at Lakeside Variety Store and going towards Upper Vaughans. A number of people stopped and tried to catch him but when I came back from the store (went for hot dogs to try and entice him) he seemed to have disappeared off the road.
HAPPY ENDING: Trigger is HOME, Safe n’ Sound!! From the owner: ” She came to the door of a neighbour, and was promptly returned, with leash and collar still attached. She’s a little thinner, but otherwise seems perfectly healthy and very excited to be home. Thank everyone so much for their concern and all the efforts that were made to find him. They were so greatly appreciated.” Thanks everyone.
LOST DOG: Seafoam Beach/Location: Between Pictou and River John Sunday night, July 17th after fireworks. Male Dog: YORKIE – 10 lbs. NAME:Trigger He ran off into the woods between the beach and the highway at Seafoam. Trigger was wearing a red collar and dragging a John Deere leash. Tags on collar are up to date. The owner is frantic, had people searching so please check to make sure he isn’t in your yard hiding, on along the brooks.
HAPPY ENDING: From the owner: “Found her!!!! Thanks so much to all who helped spread the word and looked!, she made her way to cape john along the beach and alot of helpful cottagers and friends got her up the beach and into the car. She was covered in mud and the poor things leg is broken or dislocated. i called the vet and was told she is past the critical stage because she is eating and drinking lots so we are off to the vet in the morning! Thanks again to everyone! So happy to have her back!”
LOST: River John/ Skinners Cove Female: Bernese Mountain Dog, 4 years old – she was not wearing a collar. She is shy but friendly. She is over weight,she probably weighs about 115 pounds and she is new to the family. She is 4 years old, and not fixed. Please keep your eyes open for Elly. Her new family really wants to find her.
Happy Ending: Maple is home safe n’ sound thanks to a gentleman who took her in and then paraded her around with a sign on her saying “I am lost!!”. That is adorable and wonderful. People can be so nice. Yippee Maple!! Thanks everyone!!
LOST DOG: Truro/ Young street area Female: mix breed terrier Name: MAPLE. Maple went missing from Lewis Rd, Truro sometime between 9am – 12pm Sunday July 17. Might be seen in around Victoria Park or up around Junior High
She is very playful and friendly.
LOST DOG: Buddy: Golden Retriever/Little River Dog (Yarmouth Toller) Mix, male - Hebron Area, Yarmouth Cty
Happy Ending: YEAH!!! Buddy is home, safe and sound. He was indeed at the SPCA, thanks Gis… however, they did call yesterday and the SPCA said he wasn’t there. Once again, please be sure and visit your SPCA with posters and call often. A different employee/volunteer was able to id Buddy and he is home safe now. Fantastic! And thanks to the SPCA for getting him off the dangerous streets! Thanks everyone! Yippee!!
Yesterday, July 15th, my dog, Buddy, went missing in the Hebron area. He is a little river, and golden retriever mix. If any information is known about this dog, please contact…He has no coller, at the moment, either as he broke one, and slipped out of the other.
FOUND: Roaming Dog: Lab/Shepherd Mix, black, male, leather collar - Brooklyn St, Woodville, Annapolis Valley
Happy Ending: The owners have been reunited with their pooch thanks to these kind people who took this dog in… and thanks to all who helped. Yeah!!
Found wandering on Brooklyn st. near Woodville. Saturday, July 16th.
SIGHTING: Highway 103 BRIDGEWATER EXIT 12/ the back side of the Rafuse Equipment building on the highway! Golden Lab? has a collar and tags. Tried to get the dog but did not want to chase it into traffic. Thank you Kristopher for trying and also notifying us! Does anyone know someone who is missing what appears to be an older dog? Please call Bridgewater Animal Services if you see this dog @ 527-0063. (JanetC)
HAPPY ENDING: Joey was returned to her owner this morning, Sunday July 17, 2011. Thanks to all those who helped in her return… it’s just fantastic!!
LOST DOG: ANTIGONISH/Female: BICHON – 8 years old Name: JOEY She is very social – was wearing Stan Rogers scarf and a brown, green and purple collar. SIGHTING on Thursday 14th around Beach Hill Road and also the Dollar Store on Main Street. She has a bladder condition and needs her meds. (JanetC) She did get a summer trim so ears are less full looking and her hair is now just starting grow out – so she is not as shaggy as this picture
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