HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n’ Sound: From the Owner:
“As of about 15 minutes ago we have our Finnegan home safe and sound. He was about ½ mile down the road. He was found through a series of continual phone calls, the flyer I handed out, and a lot of persistent pounding the streets. You and your website provide a lot of useful information/suggestions and ideas. Keep doing what your doing cause without the services provided by you, me may have found Finnegan but it wouldn’t have been today probably a lot longer into the future.Thanks and many blessings upon you, your family, and your network of contacts.
Colin Nickerson and Finnegan”
Thank you everyone in our Network… you guys are awesome and are making a difference!! (AnnM)

LOST DOG: Finnegan: Hound/Lab Mix, Tri coloured, Black/Brown/White, Senior - Truro Heights Rd, Truro Heights, Ns

LOST DOG: Finnegan: Hound/Lab Mix, Tri coloured, Black/Brown/White, Senior - Truro Heights Rd, Truro Heights, Ns
LOST DOG: TRURO/Truro Heights Rd, Truro Heights Male/ SENIOR mixed breed dog/ hound mix? 12-13 years old. Name: Finnegan – He was wearing a red harness that was attached to his chain, and somehow he slipped out of the harness. He went missing Aug.7/11 between 9-10pm when outside for his nightly business break. Please cross post. If you see please contact his owner…