HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Coldbrook, Kings Co., NS — Border Collie, Female, 6 — “Maggie”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. “Happy Ending. Maggie is back home safe and sound. (needs a good bath though!) Thank you to all my facebook friends who helped me get her back. Thank you Nova Scotia Lost Dog Network.” (2.16.16. – 2.17.16)

Breed or Mix: Border Collie

Sex: Female, Age: 6

Collar/Tags: Pink collar

Lost on: 02/16/2016

Area: Coldbrook, Kings Co., NS

Additional Notes: She is mostly black long hair with typical white Border Collie markings on her. She is extremely friendly and always wants love. Her front right leg has a slight brown discolouration from a previous injury. She was outside and decided to go for a walk by herself. She was seen around Subway in Coldbrook at 6:15 pm and then by Foodland at 8:30 pm.

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Western Shore, Lunenburg Co., NS — Lhasa Apso/Shih tzu Mix, Male, 6 years — “Mugsy”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah! From his Family: “Thanks so much everyone for posting my Mugsy.  We found him.  Thank god. Thanks a bunch.” Thank you to all who cared and shared his info… he’s safe! Yippee!! (2.16.16 – 2.17.16)

Breed or Mix: Lhasa Apso/Shih tzu Mix

Sex: Male, Age: 6 years

Collar/Tags: none

Lost on: 02/16/2016

Area: Western Shore, Lunenburg Co., NS

Additional Notes: LOST DOG. Gone since last night at 5:00 pm. Very friendly dog. Answers to Mugsy. Light brown in color, 6 years old. Lost in Western Shore area.

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n Sound: Lost Dog: Lakeland, Hants (East) Co., NS — Yellow Labrador Retriever, Male, 2 1/2 — “Sarge”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah! Sarge was picked up by Animal Control and kept safe until the owners were found. Thanks so much to all who cared and shared his info. Yippee! (2.16.16 – 2.17.16)

Breed or Mix: Yellow Labrador Retriever

Sex: Male, Age: 2 1/2

Collar/Tags: Wearing a chain and purple tag

Lost on: 02/16/2016

Area: Lakelands, Hants East, NS

Additional Notes: Sarge got loose from his enclosure Tuesday night. We really miss him and would like to see him home today.

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Bedford, Halifax Co., NS — Nova Scotia Duck Toller Mix, Male, Young Adult — “Unknown”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. Special WOOF out to the finder for keeping ‘Cooper’ safe and warm until he could be reunited with his family. Great Job! “Thank you for sharing!!!! This works ! This is my friends dog and he now back with his owner. Thank you” (2.13.16 – 2.14.16)

Breed or Mix: Nova Scotia Duck Toller Mix

Sex: Male, Age: Young Adult

Collar/Tags: No collar

Lost on: 02/13/2016

Area:  Bedford, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: Found roaming. Very friendly

Please Contact: …


LOST DOG: 925 Pugwash River Rd, Pugwash, Cumberland Co., NS — Chocolate Labrador Retriever, Male, 8 weeks — “Sako”




Breed or Mix: Chocolate lab

Sex: Male, Age: 8 weeks

Collar/Tags: Black collar with black bone tag with his name, owners name and phone number.

Lost on: 02/16/2016

Area: 925 Pugwash River Rd, Pugwash, Cumberland Co., NS

Additional Notes: Chocolate lab wth a dry spot on his shoulder

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Michelle at 902-991-0187


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Centreville, Kings Co., NS — Beagle, Male, Young — “Unknown”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!!  We thank all that cared and shared. “He is home safe and sound! Thanks everyone!” And thanks to the kind folks that kept him safe and warm. (2.15.16 – 2.15.16)

Breed or Mix: Beagle

Sex: Male, Age: Young

Collar/Tags: None

Found on: 02/15/2016

Area:  Centreville, Kings, NS

Additional Notes: Tri colour. Found near Sherman Belcher Rd.

Please Contact: …


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Piggot Lake Rd., Lakelands, East Hants Co., NS — Yellow Labrador Retriever, Male, Adult — “Unknown”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah! From his new Friend: “Just talked to the lady that took him and looked after him and he has been returned to his owner…sure hope the owner takes action to keep him around as he was a very nice dog. Thanks to to all who called and posted to get him returned.” Sarge is back home … thanks to all who cared and shared his info. Yippee!! (2.14.16 – 2.14.16)

Breed or Mix: Yellow Lab

Sex: Male, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: Blue or purple

Found on: 02/14/2016

Area: Piggot Lake Rd., Lakelands, East Hants Co., NS

Additional Notes: This dog was running along Hwy 1 and then we were able to pick it up on Piggot Lake Road just down past the Lakelands Store.

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: East Dalhousie, Kings Co., NS — Australian Shepherd, Male, 10 — “Roper”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah! We thank all that cared and shared. ” I would just like to thank everyone for your support. We have found Roper and my mother is going to pick up her dog now. He looks good and seems fine. Thank you” (2.13.16 – 2.16.16)

Breed or Mix: Australian Shepherd

Sex: Male, Age: 10

Collar/Tags: Blue collar and a blank blue tag

Lost on: 02/13/2016

Area: East Dalhousie, Kings, NS

Additional Notes: I lost an Australian Shepard on Feb 13th in East Dalhousie close to the Alton RD on the Cherry Field Rd. His name is Roper and he is Black/Grey/light brown with a white chest, long hair no tail about 55-60lbs medium size.

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Hwy 7, Lake Echo, Halifax Co., NS — Sheltie Mix, Female, Senior — “Unknown”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From Matt Woodman at CTV: “Good news! The owners of this rescued 12yo dog have come forward and are picking her up story at 6 “ WooWhoo!!! Great News! Thanks to the kind folks that alerted authorities to this dogs pleas for help, to the amazing RCMP who rescued this dog out of an icy pond, to Emergency Metro Vet Clinic for giving her the A-Okay, and Homeward Bound City Pound for keeping her safe. Thanks also to the kind folks that took the time to care and share her info… Yippee!!! (2.10.16 – 2.12.16)

Breed or Mix: Sheltie Mix

Sex: Female, Age: Senior

Collar/Tags: No collar/tags

Found on: 02/10/2016

Area: Hwy 7, Lake Echo, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: A HUGE Thank You goes out to the Halifax RCMP for going above and beyond (Brrr…) to save this sweet senior dog: Shortly after midnight on February 10, 2016, Halifax District RCMP responded to a call from a concerned citizen regarding a distressed dog on Highway 7, Lake Echo.

…officers were able to locate a small dog in a partially frozen pond. The dog would not move and it was unclear if the dog was injured or stuck in snow and ice. An officer entered the pond and rescued the dog who was placed immediately into a patrol jacket, used as a blanket.

Officers immediately transported the dog to the Metro Animal Emergency Clinic in Dartmouth for examination. It was determined that the dog was an approximately 10-year-old female Sheltie mix who had been on its own for some time. There was no collar or microchip to identify the dog and the favouring of her hind leg was related to arthritis.

For more on this story: https://www.facebook.com/rcmpns/photos/a.10150310339344779.340151.206153899778/10153462551639779/?type=3&__mref=message_bubble

This dog is now safe with Homeward Bound City Pound. It had to be shaved due to the mats and debris stuck in it’s fur probably from being lost for a long period of time. If it’s owners are not located it will be adopted out, but not for at least another two weeks. There is a long waiting list of potential adopters. For now, please share so we can try and find it’s owners, thank you.

Please Contact: Please cross post/share and if you have any information contact: Homeward Bound City Pound at 902-407-7283, Halifax District RCMP at 902-864-6000, or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477 ), texting TIP202 + your message to ‘CRIMES’ (274637), or by Secure Web Tips at www.crimestoppers.ns.ca


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Dalhousie Campus, College Rd., Bible Hill, Colchester Co., NS — Greyhound Mix, Female, Adult — “Unknown”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Thanks to all who cared and shared this beauty’s info. She’s on the road to a furever home. (2.9.16 – 2.17.16)

Breed or Mix: Greyhound Mix

Sex: Female, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: none

Found on: 02/9/2016

Area: Dalhousie Campus, College Rd., Bible Hill, Colchester Co., NS

Additional Notes: Found last night at Dalhousie Campus, if anyone knows where this girl belongs please contact Animal Control.

Please Contact: …