HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: St Croix, Hants Co., NS — Kangal, Female, 4 — “Koda”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah! From her Family: “We have actually just found her!” Thanks so much to all those that cared and shared her info…Yippee!! (2.24.16 – 2.24.16)

Breed or Mix: Kangal

Sex: Female, Age: 4

Collar/Tags: Inground fence collar, blue

Lost on: 02/24/2016

Area: St Croix, Hants, NS

Additional Notes: Koda is a medium hair, tan, and brown Kangal. She’s about 110 pounds and very friendly. She was recently fixed and got out last night.

Please Contact: …


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: West End Halifax, Halifax Co., NS — Shih tzu, Male, 12 — “Chestnut”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. “He went for a little adventure without my permission last night and made some friends with my neighbors down the road! THANK YOU EVERYONE for all your concern and shares!!” (2.23.16 – 2.24.16)

Breed or Mix: Shih tzu

Sex: Male, Age: 12

Collar/Tags: Red tag and dark blue/green collar

Lost on: 02/23/2016

Area: West End Halifax, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: Brown and white

Please Contact: …


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Wolfville, Kings Co., NS — AmStaff Mix, Male, 2 yrs — “Tanner”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! Animal Control was able to connect the owner and Tanner… thank you so much to all who cared and shared his info. Yippee! (2.23.16 – 2.23.16)

Breed or Mix: AmStaff Mix

Sex: Male, Age: 2 yrs

Collar/Tags: Blue Collar/Microchipped

Lost on: 02/23/2016

Area: Greenfield Rd., Wolfville, Kings, NS

Additional Notes: Red/Brown in colour, with white markings. He went missing today. Very friendly with humans and gets along well with other dogs. He’s very missed. Please call or test…

Please Contact: …

LOST DOG: 2694 Sackville Dr, Upper Sackville, Halifax Co., NS — German Shepherd/Australian Shepherd Mix, Male, 17 — “Bear”




Breed or Mix: German Shepherd/Australian Shepherd Mix

Sex: Male, Age: 17

Collar/Tags: No

Lost on: 02/19/2016

Area: 2694 Sackville Dr, upper Sackville, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: Coloured like a german shepard but fur appears like that of a collie or huskey. His hind end is very weak due to his age. Eyes are hazing over due to cataracts. He doesent bark often but when he does its weak.

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Perry at 902 237 7677


LOST DOG: 321 Upper New Harbour Rd., New Harbour, Guysborough Co., NS — Pug, Male, 4.5 years old — “Bodhi”




Breed or Mix: Pug

Sex: Male, Age: 4.5 years old

Collar/Tags: No collar or tag

Lost on: 02/21/2016

Area: 321 Upper New Harbour Rd., New Harbour, Guysborough Co., NS

Additional Notes: Bodhi is a tan coloured pug, black face and overweight. He is very friendly and approachable. He is starting to get white whiskers under his chin. I just bathed him and his collar did not get on so he is not wearing anything. He gets along well with other animals and small children. He went outside to pee as usual and did not return. I heard him bark at 6:10 pm and by 6:20 pm we were searching for him. There are no signs of him being struck by a vehicle, attacked by a wild animal or indications that he fell through the ice. He may have followed another dog/cat and got lost or someone may have seen him by the road and took him in. Please report ANY information at all that you may have.

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Mallory at 902-387-2443, Cell: 902-328-7156, Work: 902-387-3020, or Family Contact: 902-387-2385

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: LaHave, Lunenburg Co., NS —Australian Shepherd/Collie Mix, Male, 3 yrs — “Conrad”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From his Family: “Thank you so much to everyone for all the support and effort everyone has made to bring him home. THANK YOU!” Woowhoo!!! So thrilled that this sweetie is back home safe. Yes!! Thanks to all who cared and shared his info and sightings. Well done! (2.20.16 – 2.28.16)

Breed or Mix: Australian Shepherd/Collie Mix

Sex: Male, Age: 3 yrs

Collar/Tags: Blue striped collar with name tag and phone number

Lost on: 02/20/2016

Area: LaHave, Lunenburg, NS

Additional Notes: Conrad came from the SPCA and had an unfortunate past, so he is very nervous around people. He will run away if you try to approach him but he is a very nice dog. He has long fur that is mostly white with brown and some black. He is microchipped and recently neutered. He has two stitches on his right paw.

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Dartmouth, Halifax Co., NS — Lab/Amstaff, Male, 1.5 — “Mickey”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. Mickey found his way back home! (2.21.16 – 2.21.16)

Breed or Mix: Lab/Amstaff

Sex: Male, Age: 1.5

Collar/Tags: Black collar with multi color pirates on it

Lost on: 02/21/2016

Area: Dartmouth, Halifax Co., NS

Additional Notes: Short black hair about 55+ lbs white on his chest

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dogs: Timberlea, Halifax Co., NS — Nova: Border Collie, Female, 4 yrs and Penny: German Shepherd, Female, 3 yrs — “Nova & Penny”



Nova & Penny

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. We thank all that shared. Both Nova and Penny are where they belong. (2. 21.16 – 2.21.16)

Breed or Mix: Nova: Border Collie & Penny: German Shepherd

Sex: Females, Age: Border Collie: 4yrs and German Shepherd: 3yrs

Collar/Tags: Border Collie has a purple collar & German Shepherd has a bright pink collar

Lost on: 02/21/2016

Area: Timberlea, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: Both dogs friendly. Shepherd nervous around men and will bark. Both have never strayed from home. Our home is across from the trail in Timberlea.

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Sighted: Roaming Dog: Lancaster Dr., Herring Cove, Halifax Co., NS — Shih tzu Mix, Male, Older Adult — “Unknown”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! This dog is home and safe. Thank you for caring and sharing his info. No one learns about Responsible Dog Ownership through negative comments, criticism, or harsh judgements. Understandably dogs bring out our most passionate side. Thank you for all the comments and suggestions, this post is now closed for comments.

Breed or Mix: Shih tzu Mix

Sex: Male, Age: Older Adult

Collar/Tags: Unknown

Lost on: 02/19/2016

Area: Lancaster Dr., Herring Cove, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: MALE: Shih Tzu or mix, adult, white and tan. Sighted roaming on Feb.19/16 and many times before.

Please Contact: Halifax Animal Control Services, novascotia@lostdognetwork.com by dialling 311 and choosing 5 from the options


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Balls Creek, Cape Breton Co., NS — Rotti/Lab Mix, Female, Adult — “Unknown”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah! From her Family: “Thanks so much for everyone sharing! I just got my sweet girl back home! And a huge thanks to the couple who found her.” Thanks to all who cared and shared her info and to those that kept her safe… Yippee!! (2.20.16 – 2.20.16)

Breed or Mix: Rotti/Lab Mix

Sex: Female, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: Purple collar

Found on: 02/20/2016

Area: Balls Creek, Cape Breton, NS

Additional Notes: This lady was found around Noelle’s store in Balls Creek. A lady found her and was going to take her to the SPCA so my husband took her instead to try to find the owners first. She obviously belongs to someone. She’s safe with us until she can get home.

Please Contact: …