HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. Special WOOF out to Jess for PMing us the location she went too. All is good! (6.4.16 – 6.4.16)
Breed or Mix: Labradoodle
Sex: Female, Age: 10
Collar/Tags: Red collar/Microchipped
Lost on: 06/04/2016
Area: Brule Shore, Colchester, NS
Additional Notes: Short reddish blonde hair, Red collar no tags, Microchipped
Very friendly, approachable, responds very well to food, likely frightened and skittish
Was spooked by a smoke alarm and took off. Has been gone 4.5 hrs. Very unlike her.
At the cottage so she is not super familiar with the area, a lot of wooded area
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