Breed or Mix: AmStaff Mix (Brindle)
Sex: Male, Age: Young
Collar/Tags: No collar or tags
Sighted on: 08/25/2017
Area: Near Castle Moffat – 11980 NS 105, Bucklaw, Victoria Co., NS
Additional Notes: Dog was running along the highway by the speed limit sign. Dog is a brindle colour I AmStaff mix with a large white patch on its chest. Has a larger ears. Dog is very scared and would not come to us. Kept running into the woods. Doesn’t appear to be wearing a collar or tags. Very scared.
Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Animal Control for Victoria County:
- South Victoria – John Berk at 902-295-0532
- North Victoria – Terry Hogan at 902-285-0394