Juno & Keira
HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yippee!! From the Owner: “YAY!!! My babies have made it home!! After 12 hours they are exhausted and muddy but they are safe and sound. Thank you to everyone who helped in the search
” Thanks to all who cared and shared. (8.31.13 – 8.31.13)
Breed or Mix: Juno: Yellow Lab/Duck Toller – Keira: Mixed Breed
Sex: Female, Age: Juno 8 yrs old / Keira 10 months old
Collar/Tags: Both have bone shaped tags with their name, phone number & address listed on them.
Lost on: 08/31/2013
Area: Highway 331, LaHave, Lunenburg, NS
Additional Notes: Juno has very soft light reddish brown fur with a pink nose, white belly and a white marks on her face/head. She is a very friendly dog towards people but she can display aggression toward other dogs. Keira is a short-haired dog that is white with brown patches. She has a large round brown spot on her lower back and has a pink belly with black spots, she has a black nose and has brown patches on her eyes. Keira is only 10 months old and is very energetic and friendly. These two dogs are inseparable and should be wandering together.
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