HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Brookside Road, Brookside, Colchester Co., NS — Border Collie, Female, 14 months — “She-Ra”



HAPPY ENDING: Home; Safe n’ Sound! We thank all that cared and shared. Yippee “She-Ra has been found. Thank you!!!” (7.5.14 – 7.5.14)

Breed or Mix: Border Collie

Sex: Female, Age: 14 months

Collar/Tags: No collar

Lost on: 07/05/2014

Area: Brookside Road, Brookside, Colchester Co., NS, NS

Additional Notes: Friendly Border Collie. Is micro chipped. Has never left the yard before. Hasn’t been scared of the wind and she usually sticks pretty close to our other border collie. We live far off the road, surrounded by trees. She loves to play and loves kids.

Please Contact:…


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Derview Crescent, Truro, Colchester Co., NS — AmStaff/Boxer Mix, Male, Older Adult — “Unknown”



HAPPY ENDING: Home; Safe n’ Sound!  We thank all that shared and we thank the finder for keeping him safe and our FB member who recognized this dog. Good job all! (7.5.14 – 7.5.14)

Breed or Mix: AmStaff/Boxer Mix

Sex: Male, Age: Older Adult (Approx 8-10)

Collar/Tags: Black/Charcoal Collar

Found on: 07/05/2014

Area: Derview Crescent, Truro, Colchester, NS

Additional Notes: The dog was found running down Deerview Crescent during the strong winds Saturday July 5th. The dog is a bit timid.

Please Contact: …


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dogs: Walburne Road, Walden, Lunenburg Co., NS — Rottie, Male, 5.5 yrs and Black Lab Mix, Male, 9 — “Tyson and Damien”



Tyson and Damien

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!!  We thank all that cared and shared. “the dogs are home now just picked them up thanks so much for posting for us!! My friend found them just down from our house looks like they went in the lake for a swim!! Thanks again for everything you guys are awesome!!” (7.4.14 – 7.4.14)

Breed or Mix: Pure bred Rottie and Long haired black lab

Sex: Male, Age: Rottie-(5-6) Black lab around 9

Collar/Tags: No collars

Lost on: 07/04/2014

Area: Walburne Road, Walden, Lunwnbueg, NS

Additional Notes: Dogs have been missing in the heat since 8 am this morning. Owner was outside with both dogs that usually stay in the yard, but both ran. Both dogs may be a bit skittish and run if approached. They love food and may be enticed by treats.

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Morden Rd., Morden, Kings Co., NS — Red Border Collie, Female, 3 — “Cherry”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! “THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HELP AND CONCERN! Cherry arrived home, dirty and muddy at 4:16 am Saturday July 5th!” (7.4.14 – 7.5.14)

Breed or Mix: Border Collie

Sex: Female, Age: 3

Collar/Tags: Red vinyl collar with metal ‘studs’

Lost on: 07/04/2014


Area: Morden Rd, Morden, Kings, NS

Additional Notes: Cherry is a ‘red’ border collie (but looks brown) She has tan and white leg markings with a white ruffle around her neck. She is normally shy and usually does not get into cars. She has never left our property on her own.

Please Contact: …


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Main Street, Wolfville, Kings Co., NS — Husky/Shepherd, Female, Adult — “Unknown”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yeah!!  Special WOOF OUT to Corey “Sunny’s owner called the vet I took her to yesterday desperate to find her and they put her on to me and she is thrilled to be going to retrieve their beloved pet today!” (7.2.14 – 7.3.14)

Breed or Mix: Husky/Shepherd

Sex: Female, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: Red collar/No tags/No microchip

Lost on: 07/02/2014

Area: Main Street, Wolfville, Kings, NS

Additional Notes: Very sweet and calm. No tags or microchip

Please Contact:…


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Highway #2, Enfield Area., East Hants Co., NS — Yellow Lab, Female, young adult. — “Unknown”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yippee!! Thanks to all those involved in getting this dog to safety, keeping it safe and getting it back home… just wonderful. Thanks to those that care and share posts, it makes such a difference. (7.2.14 – 7.2.14)

Breed or Mix: Yellow Lab

Sex: Female, Age: Young Adult.

Collar/Tags: No

Lost on: 07/02/2014

Area: Highway #2, Enfield Area., East Hants, NS

Additional Notes: She is very friendly and sweet.

Please Contact: …


FOUND: Roaming Dog: Melanson (Mountain Area), Kings Co., NS — Spaniel Mix, Male, Adult — “Unknown”



Breed or Mix: Spaniel Mix

Sex: Male, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: None

Found on: 07/02/2014

Area: Melanson (Mountain Area), Kings, NS

Additional Notes: This dog was found by a friend of mine. She’s been knocking on doors but no luck yet. Dog was found covered in leaves and soaking wet. Very friendly.

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact:  Animal Services: 678-3647


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Sissiboo Landing, Weymouth, Digby Co., NS — Weimaraner, Male, 7 months — “Bentley”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yippee!! Terrific news, Bentley is back home. Thanks to all who cared and shared… terrific! Love when they get back home! (7.1.14 – 7.2.14)

Breed or Mix: Weimaraner

Sex: Male, Age: 7 months

Collar/Tags: Red collar and Bandana with leash leash trailing.

Lost on: 07/01/2014

Area: Sissiboo Landing, Weymouth, Digby, NS

Additional Notes: Grey with brown feet and chin/jaw. Short hair and docked tail. Very skittish and barks at strangers

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Upper Branch Road, Wileville, Lunenburg Co., NS — Black Lab, Male, 9 — “Zachery or Zac”


Zachery or Zac

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yippee!! From the Owner: “…I would like to report that Zac has been found. He is now home safe and sound Tks”  Thanks so much to all who cared and shared, fed and watered, and kept him safe… all to get him home. Terrific! (7.1.14 – 7.8.14)


UPDATE: 7.7.14: Possible Sighting –  “Over in Blockhouse on the Scout Camp Road” July 7/14 at approx. 1:30 pm.

Breed or Mix: Black Lab (greying muzzle) 85 lbs

Sex: Male, Age: 9

Collar/Tags: Blue collar

Lost on: 07/01/2014

Area: Upper Branch Road, Wileville, Lunenburg, NS

Additional Notes: Very friendly, gets along well with other dogs

Please Contact: …

LOST DOG: South River Lake, near Lake Paul, Kings Co., NS — Boxer/Amstaff Mix, Male, 1 yr — “Tino”



Breed or Mix: Boxer/Amstaff Mix

Sex: Male, Age: 1 yr

Collar/Tags: Camo – Remington Collar, no tag

Lost on: 06/30/2014

Map: http://goo.gl/maps/jlHTB

Area: South River Lake, Near Lake Paul, Kings, NS

Additional Notes: Short hair, tan with white chest-front leg area. Black nose, pointy ears that are carried straight up. Great temperament really friendly. Got lost while out camping.

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Kevin Roy, Roy_972@msn.com (902) 309-1197
Chantal Michaud, shawntel09@hotmail.com, (902) 765-0701, (902) 760-0944