HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yeah!! From his Mom: “We got him! We are just getting back to the car with him and he seems great, very healthy and looking good.” Wonderful news. A huge thank you to NSLDN followers who cared and shared his info. From Gabe’s Friend: “We would be still looking in (other area) if it wasn’t for the person who reported the sightings both days.” And she had somewhere to report those sightings because of all the sharing of Gabe’s info. IT WORKS!!! YIPPEE!!!! (3.19.16 – 3.22.16)
Breed or Mix: Beagle
Sex: Male, Age: 11
Collar/Tags: Purple collar/black leash
Lost on: 03/19/2016
Area: Seabright, Halifax Co., NS
Additional Notes: Gabe got off his leash while hiking on the Woodens River Trail at Beech Hill Road. He is an 11 year old neutered male beagle. He has a purple collar (if it hasn’t come off) and a black leash. He is microchipped and has an East Hants municipality dog tag. Gabe lives in Mount Uniacke. He is very friendly and approachable.
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