HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah! “Hello!! Great news!! Koda has been FOUND!!! He managed to find his way to the opposite side of falls lake where we live. A family staying at the falls lake resort found him through the night, took him in their bunkhouse, dried him off and fed him. Thanks to the powers of Facebook they were able to see my post and contact us. Koda is home safe and sound and is very exhausted, he has been getting a ton of cuddles. Thank you so much for helping us get Koda back home safe and sound!!! Means so much to have such a great resource available in desperate times like this!! ” (6.22.16 – 6.23.16)
Breed or Mix: Shitzu
Sex: Male, Age: 9
Collar/Tags: Black, grey and white
Lost on: 06/22/2016
Area: Windsor, Hants, NS
Additional Notes: Black, grey and white shitzu male, named Koda. My son accidently let him out of the house, he is terrified of thunder. He has short hair and is very friendly, he usually responds to his name when called but is most likely scared due to the unfavourable weather.
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