HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dogs: Tiny: Beagle, spayed female, no collar & Shyla: Boxer/Bull Mastiff Mix, 7 months old, ~50 lbs, red, no collar – Falkenham Rd, New Elm (Bakers Pt), Lunenburg Co., NS

Happy Ending: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dogs: Tiny: Beagle, spayed female, no collar & Shyla: Boxer/Bull Mastiff Mix, 7 months old, ~50 lbs, red, no collar - Falkenham Rd, New Elm (Bakers Pt), Lunenburg Co., NS

HAPPY ENDING: Both dogs are home safe and sound now… yippee!!! Thanks everyone… awesome!! Updated October 25/11

LOST DOGS: New Elm/ Falkenham Rd aka Bakers Point/Lunenburg Co. FEMALE DOG: 2 dogs missing 1. Beagle: 5 years old, spayed, no collar on – NAME: Tiny 2. Bull mastiff/Boxer mix: puppy NOW 7months – so much larger than the picture – about the size of a lab, no collar on. NAME: Shyla. Both dogs went missing on Oct.14/11. Please cross post – please call …

LOST DOG: Bob: Chocolate Lab, neutered male, 2.5 yrs old, red collar – Shag Harbour, Shelburne Co., NS

LOST DOG: Bob: Chocolate Lab, neutered male, 2.5 yrs old, red collar - Shag Harbour, Shelburne Co., NS

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LOST DOG: 5872 Shag Harbour/ Shelburne Co. MALE: Chocolate Lab, 2 1/2 years old wearing a red collar, neutered NAME: Bob He went missing approx 7pm Tuesday evening, Oct.11/11. Please cross post and please call 723-2522 if you have any information.

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Axel: Boston Terrier, neutered male, 2 yrs old, ~16 lbs, black & white (little brindle), blue collar – Route 256 (Balmoral Rd), Willow Church Rd, Tatamagouche, Colchester Co., NS

LOST DOG: Axel: Boston Terrier, neutered male, 2 yrs old, ~16 lbs, black & white (little brindle), blue collar - Route 256 (Balmoral Rd), Willow Church Rd, Tatamagouche, Colchester Co., NS

HAPPY ENDING: Axel is HOME, Safe n’ Sound!!!  YIPPEEEEE!!!! This is what we heard:  “This is Axel’s Dad. He was found this afternoon after being out in the elements for a week. Besides being quite thin the vet gave him a clean bill of health. Thanks to everyone for helping spread the word. Keep up the great work NSLDN!”  THANK YOU everyone that helped to spread the word, and to Axel’s parents for being so diligent and never giving up!!  FANTASTIC!!!!  Yeah Axel!!!! Oh, they’re all going to sleep well tonight in that household.  Yippee!!!!  Updated: Oct 21/11 19:35

LOST DOG: Tatamagouche/Near Willow Church Rd. & Route 256 (Balmoral Rd.)/Colchester Co. went missing Friday October 14, 2011 at ~9am MALE: Boston Terrier, 2 year old, 15-18 lbs. neutered B&W with some brindling, wearing a blue Air Force collar. NAME: Axel Distinguishing markings: had a leg operation on his back left leg last summer and has two bald bumps where the pin was placed. Because of this he often limps on 3 legs but favors his right. Right ear is mostly white. He is balding through the chest and is allergic to pretty much everything. Please cross post and please if you have any information call …

LOST DOG: Mally: Chihuahua, female, long haired, senior, crooked front leg, grey/red/blonde – Coldstream Rd, Shubenacadie, NS

LOST DOG: Mally: Chihuahua, female, long haired, senior, crooked front leg, grey/red/blonde - Coldstream Rd, Shubenacadie, NS

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LOST DOG: Shubenacadie/ Coldstream Road/Hants Co. FEMALE: Chihuahua – rescue dog – senior, left front leg is crooked due to a previous injury. She will cower but will NOT bite NAME: Mally  “Mally has been missing for over a week, they are unsure how she went missing because she was not able to get of the deck, she was wearing a purple collar with rhinestones.”  Please cross post and Please call the Porters @ 902-758-3023

SIGHTED: Roaming Dog: Black Shaggy Dog, partial blue leash attached – Granton Rd, Alma, NS

NOT ACTUAL DOG: Example of Black Shaggy Dog!

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There has been a black shaggy dog in the granton road, alma area running free for the last few days. It seems to have a chunk of blue leash?? attached to him. Very skittish…tried to call him/her near and they took off….this area is high traffic…if someone is missing him/her please come soon!!!  Please contact us at novascotialostdognetwork@gmail.com with any information.

Update: Oct 15/11

Could this be the same dog?? Though, nothing is mentioned about it being shaggy… hmm… (AnnM)

SIGHTING: 11 Grono Road/ Dutch Settlement Roaming Black Lab, appears to be wearing a chain collar. Spotter tried to coax the dog to her but he continued up the back yards on Grono Road. If you know of anyone missing a dog in the Dutch Settlement/Musquodoboit Valley please advise them of this sighting or call Animal Services at 490-4000. Last seen at apprx. 3:45pm Sat. Oct.15/11 (JanetC)

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Maggie: Poodle Mix, female, white, long tail, purple collar, 3.5 yrs old, ~20lbs – Fergusons Cove, Halifax, NS

LOST DOG: Maggie: Poodle Mix, female, white, long tail, purple collar, 3.5 yrs old, ~20lbs - Fergusons Cove, Halifax, NS

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n’ Sound! Maggie came home the next day… wet and dirty, but healthy and happy to be home.  Yippee!!  Thanks to everyone that shared her info… terrific!

LOST DOG: Ferguson’s Cove/between Purcells Cove and York Redoubt/ Hfx. Co. FEMALE: Poodle mix, white, long tail wearing a purple collar. She is 3-1/2 years old and weighs about 20 pounds. Been gone since midday, Wed.Oct. 12/11 NAME: Maggie Please cross post and please call …  

LOST DOG: Chief: Valley Bulldog, male, tan with white blaze on chest, greying face, short tail, 12 yrs old senior, chain collar – Ward Rd, Greenwood, Kings Co., NS

LOST DOG: Chief: Valley Bulldog, male, tan with white blaze on chest, greying face, short tail, 12 yrs old senior, chain collar - Ward Rd, Greenwood, Halifax Co., NS

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LOST DOG: Greenwood/Ward Road/ Kings Co. MALE: Valley Bulldog, tan with white blaze on chest and neck, greying on muzzle and above the brows, tail is short, 12 year old senior was wearing a chain collar, with a name tag. Been missing since October 4/11. NAME: Chief Please cross post and if you have any information contact Troy @ 844-1699.

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Australian Shepherd: Blue Merle, female, collar no tags – Windsor Park, Halifax, NS

FOUND: Roaming Dog: Australian Shepherd: Blue Merle, female, collar no tags - Windsor Park, Halifax, NS

HAPPY ENDING: This cutie is heading home safe n’ sound: Thanks to the wonderful “Joe” who was kind enough while working to stop and take this dog in, and to his friend who had her checked for a microchip and kept her safe till the owners could be reunited.   Thanks to everyone who cared enough to share… wonderful!! Updated 21:00 Oct 12/11

FOUND: A female adult Australian Shepherd-Found roaming in Windsor park area. Very friendly and wearing a collar with no tags and flea collar.  If you have any information please email…

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Boston Terrier – Birchill Estates, Eastern Passage, HRM, NS

NOT ACTUAL DOG, just example of the breed

HAPPY ENDING: This pooch is home safe n’ sound!! Yippee!! Thanks to the kind person who took this pooch in off the dangerous streets, and to all who shared this info.  Terrific!! Updated 5:59 Oct 12/11

Found Boston Terrier in Birchill estates in Eastern Passage if this is your dog please call found wed oct 12 @ 3:00pm



HAPPY ENDING: Home safe n' sound: Lost Dog: Jimmy: Labrador, black, male, 1 yr old, brown collar – Clyde River Area, Shelburne Co., NS

NOT ACTUAL DOG - Just example of the breed


HAPPY ENDING: Jimmy was found and is home safe and sound.  Thanks everyone… this is just great news.  Yippee!! Updated 2:19 Oct 12/11

LOST DOG: Clyde River area/Shelburne Co. MALE: Black Lab, 1 year old, wearing a brown collar. NAME: Jimmy Please cross post and if you have any information contact