FOUND: Roaming Dog: Hardwoodlands Rd, Highway 14 - Shaw Resources, Milford, NS - Yellow Lab, male, large, black leather collar, friendly
HAPPY ENDING: Home, safe and sound! Thanks to all who shared his info, and to the great folks who took him in, as well as Lab Rescue NS for taking care of him. Yippee!! Updated 1/1/12
FOUND DOG: Milford/Hardwoodlands Rd, Highway 14 – Shaw Resources/Halifax County MALE: Yellow Labrador Retriever, large and very rambunctious. Wearing a black leather collar. Very friendly. He was found this morning, Jan 1/12. Please cross post and if you have any information this dog will be going to Trish of Lab Rescue until his owner can be located. You can reach her at http://www.labrescuens.com/Contact.page or labrescuens@yahoo.ca Thank you again to Dianne and Donald who ensured he was kept safe.