FOUND DOG: Female pitbull type-terrier. Dark brown with a white face wearing a Harley Davidson collar. Found in Bedford near the Library. Well behaved dog.
Call 407-5683.
musings of a middle aged granny
There is a very large search going on tonight for a greyhound in the Hydrostone area of Halifax – her name is Bella – but she might answer to the name of Passport – she has been missing since Monday – and was last seen Devonshire at around 2pm.
She still has her collar and lead on her. Please call her owner at 292-3314 or her cell phone at her cell is 483-2975 if you find her or even see her.
The urgent thing is that this rescue Greyhound came in on this past Saturday so she’s absolutely NEW to the area – she is probably completely afraid and shell-shocked.
She is listed on the Nova Scotia Lost Dog Network – and also has an ad on Kijiji if you need more information – here’s hoping that she gets home safely – quickly.
Update: April 12/11 23:13
Update: Sorry, gang! Unfortunately, this guy got away from my cousin and is out there again! She is leaving food and water out for him just in case he doesn’t find his way home and comes back looking for a loving place to rest up.
Really hoping he makes his way back home from her place.
A medium sized dog showed up on my doorstep this morning… he has one blue eye, one half blue/half brown eye. He is kind and friendly. He came right in the house. No collar on him. Perhaps he got scared of the thunder last night and ran away!?
This dog has been reunited with their very happy owners. Thanks so much to Melanie for making the effort to stop and catch this guy. Thanks to everyone who shared the news.
Found…male chocolate lab on Hwy 103, near Exit 6.
2 collars…
Updated April 16/11 Resolved
We live on Riverside road Fort Ellis Stewiacke-our dog has been missing for a few months, she went missing on January 21/11. I didn’t have the heart to post this sooner because I had hope that she would find her way back to us! Ive asked all of our neighbors and local people, spca, animal control no luck. So I’m hoping by posting her picture someone may know where she is or may be taking care of her. ( we will pay you for taking care of her)! WE MISS HER SOOOO MUCH! it was a nice evening snowing a little we let our dogs out to play. We were all in the yard our two boys myself and my husband and Teddy our other dog. Lola was chasing Teddy – he took off in the woods – she never follows him and was never on her own – but that night she did – Then it started to rain/hail/snow mix- they took off around 530pm – we found Teddy around 7pm-and searched for Lola all night and the next morning and for a good week and we are still looking. If you have any information please call! Thank you soooo much!!
Hi, we have lost our dog jericho on September 05th, 2008. We lived in capebreton and he was stolen an taken to truro n,s…He had been spotted a couple times and each time I went to go get him, he was gone. About two months had passed and someone in truro had seen him on the road. he also placed an ad on here and I responded but when I said Id come to get him, he had given him to a family that he thought was the correct one. We loved him Desperately. He was our family dog. If you have seen him or know where he is or think youve seen him, please contact us as we miss him terribly. we are in cape breton but would still travel the distance to get him back along with a $1000 reward Please please help us find him. 902 849 0944
Missing dogs focus of online search network
Sisters who operate website share passion for animals
Mon, Apr 11 – 4:54 AM
When Duke went missing last week, a team of investigators quickly mobilized to find the 40-kilogram boxer.
Shortly after he posted his dog’s information on Kijiji, Duke’s owner Tyler Naugler of Spryfield got a call from Anne Morrison of the Nova Scotia Lost Dog Network saying she was on the case.
“She was absolutely unbelievable,” Naugler said.
The network, launched with a website in January, has quickly grown into a popular resource for dog owners whose pets go missing, with around five new posts every day.
Morrison gave Naugler a template for a lost dog poster and told him what steps to take to find his missing dog.
He made calls to a local shelter and filled out posters with Duke’s photo. The following morning, Halifax Regional Municipality’s animal services brought Duke home. The happy ending is one of many the lost dog network has had role in.
Morrison and her sister, Heather, see their website as a way to get the word out about missing dogs and provide a resource to those who are under emotional stress while their dogs are missing.
“We’ve all lost a dog, whether it was for five minutes or five days, and it is just heart-wrenching,” said Morrison.
The sisters are volunteers with the Alliance for Responsible Pet Ownership and are passionate about animals.
They created the website after locating a missing Burmese mountain dog over Christmas using Facebook and posters. The network of people they created through Facebook was determined to find the dog, which turned up after 11 cold days wandering in the woods.
“We thought, ‘Wow, we could do this for a lot of dogs,’ ” said Heather Morrison. They created the lost dog network website, found at, soon after.
The sisters trawl Craigslist and Kijiji every day looking for new posts and people they can help. But people are now coming to them when their dogs go missing.
The majority expect the worst, thinking their pet is either stolen or lunch meat for a hungry coyote, the Morrisons said. They give encouragement to them, reminding them that 80 per cent of the time dogs are just lost.
The sisters post the information they receive from owners on their website and send it out via linked Twitter and Facebook accounts.
The site has photos of lost dogs as well as posts for dogs that people catch roaming in their yards and neighbourhoods.
And there’s a list of happy endings, dogs reunited with their owners, each filed with the same update: “Home safe ’n’ sound.”
REWARD: $1500!!!
HALIFAX ALERT: Hydrostone Area: Urgent – Lost Greyhound – female, brindle, last seen in Hyrdrostone area. Still has collar and lead on her. Please cal If you find her or even see her.
This rescue Greyhound came in Saturday – NEW – her name is Bella – her owner Anna – is out looking for the dog – Last spotted on Devonshire at around 2pm. This dog may not respond to her given name – so please approach in a calm manner as home life is brand new to her.
She *might* respond to “Passport” (racing name)…but she is *extremely* shy
Updated: April 13/11 reward
Updated: April 17/11 Resolved
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