SIGHTING: Roaming Dogs: 2 Huskies – Commercial St. Bridge, Glace Bay

SIGHTED: Roaming Dogs: 2 Huskies - Glace Bay

2 Huskies seen walking up Bridge on Commerical St GB. They headed towards the chip wagon. Both were unleashed, and walking all over the road. If someone knows who is missing the pair, please let them know where they were last seen.

Read Kijiji Ad Here

LOST DOG: Buddie: Beagle, male, black/brown with brown freckles on white – Behind Range by Irwin Lake, Hilden Area, NS

LOST DOG: Buddie: Beagle, male, black and brown, some white - Hilden Area, NS

LOST DOG: Buddie: Beagle, male, black and brown, some white - Hilden Area, NS

My Beagle, who comes to the name of Buddie, went missing two days ago in the Hilden area, up past the archery range on Irwin Lake.
But he could be anywheres, He loves to follow scents. so we let him off he leash sometimes. he always would come back, but this time. he didn’t.. I have a daughter who is devastated and really would like her “Buddie Boo ” back.. If you have seen him or have him.. can you please contact 897-9884.  He is wearing a blue collar, and has white in front with speckles of brown.. hes mostly brown and black.. Thank you.

Please check your yards and outbuildings and report any sightings:


HAPPY ENDING: Safe n' Sound: Roaming Dog: Am Staff Mix, Black with bit of White, leash/line dragging – 750 Block, Lucasville Road, HRM

Happy Ending: A neighbour was able to take in this dog this morning… a friendly little dog apparently.  Animal Control is taking it in this afternoon.  Safe n’ Sound.

Sighted, running scared: A black Am Staff mix was sighted running free in the 750 block of Lucasville Road. It only kept running scared when approached.

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Roaming Dog: Black Lab, male, grn/blk/brn collar – Elementary School, Dutch Settlement, NS

FOUND: Roaming Dog: Black Lab, male - Dutch Settlement, NS

Happy Ending: This pooch is home safe and sound thanks to these wonderful people who took him in for the night.  He escaped from his owners while they were visiting friends in the area.  He’s home tonight after his big adventure!  Thanks everyone for sharing.


Found a roaming playful black lab in Dutch Settlement, near the elementary school. Un-neutered male with green/black/brown collar.

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Dylan: Cocker Spaniel, male, blonde – Fariview, NS

LOST DOG: Dylan: Cocker Spaniel, male, blonde - Fairview, HRM, NS

HAPPY ENDING: Dylan is home safe n’ sound!!!!  I have to say the owners did everything just right in the search for Dylan.  There were posters everywhere and it was hard to find a person in the area that didn’t already know about Dylan being lost.  And it was thanks to these posters that they got the call that he was in someones backyard that was facing the old Sisters of Charity property at the Mount.  A quiet, calm approach and Dylan said “Yes!! It’s time to go home!!!”  YEAH!!!!  Fantastic!!! Yippee!!!  Thank you to everyone that helped by spreading the word.

Our cocker spaniel went missing in the Fairview area of Halifax on the evening of May 1, 2011.  His name is Dylan and he has light beige fur, which is cut a little short right now.  He also has a black freckle on his tongue.  If you’ve seen this dog or have him with you, please call Chad at 448-9685.  I’ll be giving a reward for his safe return.

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: 2 German Pointers, Male, 10 Months Old, Grey/Black – Coldbrook Area, NS

LOST DOGS: 2 German Pointers: male, 10 months old, grey and black - Coldbrook Area, NS

These two boys were kind enough to return home after what was probably a very exciting romp through the woods!! Silly boys!! So glad they are home safe and sound.

LOST DOGS: 2 German pointers took off from Coldbrook area. They are males and are grey and black in color, and very friendly. They are only 10 months old but are larger dogs. Please call 300 2693.

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Roaming Dog: Large Reddish Dog, older, red collar – Debert, NS

FOUND: Roaming Dog: Large Reddish Dog, friendly, red collar - Debert, NS

HAPPY ENDING: Home safe n’ sound.  Yeah!! May 3/11

UPDATE: May 2/11 This dog is now with Animal Control.

I have a large reddish colored dog found in debert,older,good nature,red collar.  please contact at 902-662-2597

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HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Slush: Husky, male, 7 yrs old, friendly – Mt Denson, Hants Co., NS

LOST DOG: Slush: Husky, male, 7 yrs old, friendly - Mt Denson, Hants Co., NS

Happy Ending: Though Slush was found with a snare around his neck, he is uninjured and home safe n’ sound. Lucky Boy Slush!!

LOST DOG: Slush: Husky, male, 7 yrs old, friendly - Mt Denson, Hants Co., NS

Friday, April 29th our male husky, Slush went missing from his kennel during the day from our home in Mt Denson Hants County.  Slush is 7 years old, a very gentle soul, friendly, but can be timid of men, .  He is wearing a blue collar.  He has a brown and white coat and mask, brown eyes.  If found or sighted please contact Melodie 798-7148 or Reg & Anne 825-6932

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Sunny: Lab Mix, male, blonde, blue collar, friendly – Musquodoboit Harbour, NS

LOST DOG: Sunny: Lab Mix, male, blonde, blue collar, friendly - Musquodoboit Harbour, NS

LOST DOG: Sunny: Lab Mix, male, blonde, blue collar, friendly - Musquodoboit Harbour, NS








Happy Ending: Home Safe n’ Sound.  Owner is thrilled!!!!  Yeah Sunny!!!

Missing since 2:30 PM on Sunday May 1, 2011 in Musquodoboit Harbour close to Smith Settlement.

He is a 12 year old Lab mix that goes by the name of Sunny.  He has a blue collar with paw prints and he is really friendly and loves to play fetch.

Please check your yards and outbuildings and do not chase.  Report any sightings immediately to the owners:



Read Kijiji Ad Here


HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Stella: Jack Russell Terrier, rough coat, white with black – Wittenburg, Stewiacke, NS

LOST DOG: Stella: Jack Russell Terrier, female, white with black - Wittenburg, Stewiacke, NS

LOST DOG: Stella: Jack Russell Terrier, female, white with black - Stewiacke, NS

Happy Ending: Stella returned home in pretty good shape, though is being checked out by the vet.  So glad she came home… Yeah Stella!!!


ALERT: Missing from Wittenburg near Stewiacke on Friday April 29th/
STELLA, 12 and 1/2″ rough coat female Jack Russell. Stella is very very friendly.
PLEASE check your yards and outbuildings… she could be curled up somewhere small.  Please report any sightings immediately and do not chase.  Thank you.

Reward for her safe return.