FOUND: Roaming Dog: Lab Mix, black, female, red collar, white chest patch - Near Fire Dept., Herring Cove Rd, Halifax, NS
HAPPY ENDING: Home safe n’ sound: Thanks to the kind people who stopped her from roaming and animal control for reuniting this pooch with it’s owners. And to all of you who cared enough to share. Updated Sept 18/11
FOUND: Roaming Dog: Black Lab Mix with white on chest found: Herring Cove Rd, Halifax, NS – Picked up by Animal Contrtol…
“I found a black lab mix on the Herring Cove Rd this evening. (near the fire department) She’s so well mannered, smart, calm and well trained that she must be someone’s family member. She has a red collar that has grey paw prints, but no tags. She’s all black with the exception of a white patch on her chest.”