LOST DOG: Braedy: Shepherd/Beagle Mix, female, black/tan, black leather collar - Woodlawn Area, Dartmouth, NS
HAPPY ENDING: Braedy is home safe and sound!! Thanks to all the people who spread the word, many sightings were called in and reported… just wonderful. Finally, one panned out and a tired Braedy was reunited with her family. Thank you everyone for sharing and caring!!
Dog lost last evening, Thursday, Sept. 15/11, in the Woodlawn area of Dartmouth. Approximately 10pm last night.
She is not from the area and not familiar with the area, as she is just visiting.
Her name is Braedy, she is wearing a black leather collar, if found please contact …
She is 3 years old, a beagle German shepperd mix
Help is appreciated