LOST DOG: 17 Gertrude Dr, Port Wallace (Dartmouth), Halifax Co., NS — American Bulldog mix, Male, 5 Yrs — “CJ”


Breed or Mix: American Bulldog mix

Sex: Male, Age: 5 Yrs

Collar/Tags: Red Collar/No Tags/Microchipped

Lost on: 06/02/2019

Area: 17 Gertrude Dr, Port Wallace (Dartmouth), Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: Sweet CJ has just been adopted when he escaped from home the next evening, last night (6.2.19) He is very scared of men and will run away from them. He does love cheese, other dogs, women and kids though. Please report any sightings to his family immediately and DO NOT CHASE: No calling, clapping, whistling or slapping the leg… he’s scared and shy/skittish, especially of men. Instead, report your sighting immediately.

He’s been seen between home on Gertrude Dr and Belvedere Dr.


Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Sarah at 902-223-9551 or Relinquished Souls at 902-614-0007


  1. Sarah Birch submitted this update

    I just saw this dog on Gourok Ave in Dartmouth past the elementary school

  2. Mary submitted this update

    Just seen this dog running the roads in off Caladonia opposite side of Kennedy drive in this side streets he just kept running we were in a car following him he wouldn’t slow down if was between 230 and 245 am Tuesday morning

  3. Janice submitted this update

    I saw this dog last night around 8:00pm standing on the side of the the highway on the Forest Hills extension between Main St and the exit to Waverley Rd. A car stopped and he ran into the woods towards the Lake Loon side of the highway

  4. Letisha submitted this update

    Seen by 74 Appian Way this morning, last night on Casavechia around 7pm. Lost site of him, possibly went into the woods when I went inside for some treats.

  5. Kate submitted this update

    Hi there,

    I’m fairly certain I saw CD in my yard yesterday morning (June 4th). I am on Mountbatten Avenue in Dartmouth. He looked it good condition and I assumed he had gotten off his leash at Shubie Park. As soon as I saw him he ran away.

  6. Bev submitted this update

    Yesterday around noon our dog got away from the daycare she was at. Everyone was looking for her all day and evening. Our son left for work at 5:45 am and I was sitting at the kitchen table having a coffee before I headed out to look again. I then heard a scratching sound at the front door and I went to see what was making that noise and there was my Sue ( puppy) I could not believe my eyes I thought I was dreaming. I opened the door and she came running in. I checked her over from head to toe and she is fine. I feel it is a miracle she had been gone since noon and here it was 6:00 am and she is home. She ate and drank and has been sleeping ever since. I want to Thank everybody that offered to help find her. God bless you all. Very happy she is o,k,

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