RAINBOW BRIDGE: Passed Away: Please join us in sharing our heartfelt condolences to all of Blackie’s family and friends. “Everyone…Blackie was found this afternoon but sadly he passed away at the vets. 😔 It is a very sad day for them for sure.” We hope that in time, their fond memories of their beloved dog Blackie will only bring smiles. RIP Blackie (5.18.19 – 5.20.19)
Breed or Mix: Labrador Retriever mix
Sex: Male, Age: 11 Yrs
Collar/Tags: No collar/tags
Lost on: 05/18/2019
Area: Stillwater Lake, Halifax, NS
Additional Notes: MALE: Black Lab mix, 11 years old, black coat with greying on face, white tips on paws. No collar/tags. NAME: Blackie He went missing on May 18/19.
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