RAINBOW BRIDGE: Passed Away: Lost Dog: New Minas, Kings Co., NS — Coonhound, Male, 8 Months — “Merle”


RAINBOW BRIDGE: Passed Away: It is with heavy hearts we share that sweet Merle has passed after being hit on the highway. We know his family was working hard at getting him back home and that they appreciate all the sightings and help provided. Please join us in sending deepest condolences to Merle’s family and friends. “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole France RIP Merle (12.17.18 – 12.19.18)

Breed or Mix: Coonhound

Sex: Male, Age: 8 Months

Collar/Tags: No collar/tags

Lost on: 12/17/2018

Area: New Minas, Kings, NS

Additional Notes: MALE: Coonhound, 8 months old, black and tan coat with a white blaze on chest, two small white marks on the top of his head, not wearing a collar. NAME: Merle He went missing on Dec. 17/18.


Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Marnie at …


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