RAINBOW BRIDGE: Passed Away: Lost: Kentville, Kings Co., NS — Dachshund, Male, 9 Yrs — “Vader”


RAINBOW BRIDGE: Passed Away: Please join us in sending heartfelt condolences to Vader’s family and friends. We heard from them earlier: “…He was hit by a vehicle. He’s gone. Thank you so much for your help.” May memories of love, and friendship maintain and comfort you in the loss of your beloved dog. Thank you to all who cared and shared his info. RIP Vader. (12.28.18 – 12.28.18)

Breed or Mix: Dachshund

Sex: Male, Age: 9 Yrs

Collar/Tags: No collar/tags (found in yard)

Lost on: 12/28/2018

Area: Kentville, Kings, NS

Additional Notes: MALE: Daschund, 9 years old, 18-20 lbs., Wire-haired, dark brown coat, with tan markings on face and legs, white blaze on chest, not wearing his collar (found in the yard). NAME: Vader He went missing on Dec.28/18.


Please Contact: Amelia or Scott at



  1. LOUIS & LIZ submitted this update


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