HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: River Hebert, Cumberland Co., NS — Rottie/Boxer mix, Female, 3 — “Zen”


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From her very, very happy owners: “After 5 days our baby is back home!!!!! She is ok and seems healthy as can be. Was on the doorstep when wr got home from searching    ” Thanks so much to all who helped search, reported possible sightings and of course, all those that cared and shared her info. YIPPEE!! (10.29.17 – 11.3.17)

Breed or Mix: Rottie/Boxer mix

Sex: Female, Age: 3 Yrs

Collar/Tags: No collar

Lost on: 10/29/2017

Area:  River hebert, Cumberland, NS

Additional Notes: 100lb rottie boxer mix. Tan (Dark Red) with white markings on her chest. She was not wearing her collar, she is extremely friendly and responds to the name ZEN

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