HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dogs: Upper Tantallon, Halifax Co., NS — Dobby: Great Dane, Male, 4 yrs and Billy: Meremma, Male, 5 mon — “Dobby and Billy”

Dobby and Billy

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! Billy was found! BOTH are now Safe N’ Sound and back home. “We located Billy this morning safe and sound. Thank you for all your help in alerting people in the neighborhood on his (their) disappearance.” And thank you to the community for calling in sightings and to all those here that cared and shared their info…YIPPEE!!  (4.8.17 – 4.9.17)

Breed or Mix: Dobby: Great Dane and Billy: Maremma

Sex: Both Males, Age: Dobby: 4 yrs and Billy: 5 mon

Collar/Tags: Dobby: Red Collar/ID Tags, Billy: Black Studded Collar/ID Tags

Lost on: 04/08/2017

Area: Upper Tantallon, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: Ran off with his housemate ‘BILLY” a 5-month-old Maremma (Looks like a Great Pyrenees pup)

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  1. Ian Riach submitted this update

    DOBBY found in Tantallon Woods subdivision. BILLY still missing -seen on Elk Rd., Tantallon Woods at 9;30 pm Sat. 08th. Please be on the lookout for him. Thanks

  2. Ian Riach submitted this update

    Found BILLY early this morning, exhausted but OK (me too!) -Thanks to everyone who looked and called. SPECIAL thanks to Janet at Lost Dog Network.

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