HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Woodlawn, Dartmouth, Halifax Co., NS — Australian Shepherd, Male, 3 — “FINNIGAN”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From his very happy family: “HE HAS BEEN FOUND!!!” Thanks so much to all the folks that worked so hard to help find Finnigan and Reported their sightings… Bravo! Thanks also to all who cared and shared his info…helping to direct these sightings to his owners. Well done! YIPPEE!! (2.13.17 – 2.13.17)

Breed or Mix: Australian Shepherd (Blue Merle)

Sex: Male, Age: 3

Collar/Tags: Collar/No notable tags

Lost on: 02/13/2017

Area: Woodlawn, Dartmouth, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: Near Breakheart Hills/ Collins grove area- he is currently OUT in the STORM. so time is of the essence for rescue! Please help he is out in the storm now, been missing since 3:15 pm today.

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