HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Portuguese Cove, Halifax Co., NS — Havanese, Female, 1 year old — “Heidi”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!!! Great work by her family and dog walker. Heidi was giving every sign she wanted to be found, but was still so scared. Her Mom and Dad did everything right and succeeded in a “Finesse Capture”, luring her out with yummy food and a calm voice. Thanks to all who cared and shared. YIPPEE!!! (2.21.17 – 2.22.17)

Breed or Mix: Havanese

Sex: Female, Age: 1-year-old

Collar/Tags: Harness

Lost on: 02/21/2017 (around 1:00 pm)

Area: Portuguese Cove, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: Black with tan paws. Small dog around 12lbs. May have harness on. She is scared of men and may run away from you otherwise very friendly. Named Heidi.

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