HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dogs: Greenfield, Colchester Co., NS — Yolo: German Wiredhaired Pointer (Drahthaar), Female, Adult and Blackie: Beagle, Male, Adult — “Yolo and Blackie”


Yolo and Blackie

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! Wonderful news, Blackie has come home. Thank you Colchester County Animal Control for passing along the great news. Now both dogs, Yolo and Blackie are home. Thanks so much to all who cared and shared their info. (1.16.17 – 1.19.17)

UPDATE: 1.17.17 – Half a Happy Ending: “Yolo has found her way home! Blackie is still missing.” Please keep sharing their info, thank you.

Breed or Mix: Yolo: German Wiredhaired Pointer (Drahthaar) and Blackie: Beagle

Sex: Yolo: Female and Blackie: Male, Age: Adults

Collar/Tags: Yolo: Black collar and Blackie: Not wearing a collar

Lost on: 01/16/2017

Area: Greenfield, Colchester, NS

Additional Notes: Yolo: Pointer, has a beard, very large, black fur with grey flecks. Blackie: Very timid around people, howls in the woods when he’s hunting rabbits.

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