HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Blue Mountain, Kings Co., NS — Shepherd/Husky Mix, Female, 2 — “Bean/Jellybean”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!!  We thank all that cared and shared. “Bean has been found and all is well. She was trapped In the woods on her broken lead.” (1.14.16 – 1.14.16)

Breed or Mix: Shepherd/Husky Mix

Sex: Female, Age: 2

Collar/Tags: Grey collar, red harness, dragging a broken cable, silver tag with Jellybean and phone number, purple registration tag.

Lost on: 01/14/2016

Area: Blue Mountain, Kings, NS

Additional Notes: Missing in Murphy Lake Drive and Jones Road area of the number 12 highway. Dragging her lead so is most likely caught in the woods or around out buildings. Loves other dogs.

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