HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dogs: Beaver Bank, Halifax Co., NS — Beagles, Females, 6 — “Polly and Boo”


Polly and Boo

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yeah!! Thanks so much to all who cared and shared, these girls are now back home. Yippee!!! (7.11.15 – 7.11.15)

Breed or Mix: Beagles

Sex: Females, Age: 6

Collar/Tags: They didn’t have collars on at time of escape, but Boo has an ID chip in her ear

Lost on: 07/11/2015

Area: Beaver Bank, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: Neither dogs have their collars on, short hair beagles will more than likely stay together, got out between 12-1 today in Beaver bank

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  1. jamie submitted this update

    Thank you so much to the kind couple who helped us return these dogs home safe. We did not get your names but you know who you are.
    Once again Thanks!!!

  2. susan submitted this update

    I know these dogs and they will stay together you will always have trouble with them getting out if you don’t have a kennel for them closed in molly is a climber and can get under things the other dog is name is blue good luck as they use to love to hunt and also they are about 10 years old .they are good girls and I am glad they have a good home

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