HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Sydney Mines, Cape Breton Co., NS — Shepherd/Collie Mix, Male, 11-12 years — “Sparky”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all who cared and shared. “Great news Sparky has been found and has been reunited with his owners!! Thanks to everyone for the help and encouragement. A special thank you goes out to Valerie & Heather for helping us get him back.” (6.24.15 – 6.29.15)

Breed or Mix: Shepherd/Collie Mix

Sex: Male, Age: 11-12 years

Collar/Tags: black collar(I think)

Lost on: 06/24/2015

Area: Sydney Mines, Cape Breton, NS

Additional Notes: He is mostly black in color with some tan/brown coloring around face/belly/legs. He is about medium height. His coat is more to the short-haired variety. He is somewhat hard of hearing. He is kind of bulky(in other words, a little overweight). He is a very friendly and approachable dog.

Please Contact: …


  1. doug submitted this update

    Great news Sparky has been found and has been reunited with his owners!! Thanks to everyone for the help and encouragement. A special thank you goes out to Valerie & Heather for helping us get him back.

  2. Janet Chernin submitted this update

    Hello Doug,

    This is fabulous news indeed. Where was he found? We always like to know more details to hopefully assist other owners.
    Terrific … do check him all over for any cuts, nicks and YES even ticks. DO NOT feed him too much food at one time. You don’t know what he may have gotten into. We suggest a bland meal – like boiled hamburger, strained with hot hot water and mixed with white rice. Feed him small meals more frequently. Keep an eye on him and if he seems off do take him to the Vet for a once over.
    All the best,
    Janet Chernin

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