HAPPY ENDING: Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Exhibition Park, 200 Prospect Rd., Halifax, Halifax Co., NS — Shepherd, Female, Young Adult — “Unknown”



HAPPY ENDING: Safe n’ Sound! This beautiful girl is safe thanks to the kinds folks that found her and to  Homeward Bound City Pound for keeping her safe. At this point, she has either been reunited with her owners, or adopted out to a new family. Thanks for caring and sharing. (5.17.15 – 6.1.15)

Breed or Mix: Shepherd (Belgian?)

Sex: Female, Age: Young Adult (Puppy)

Collar/Tags: 2 Collars. One blue, one blue and red

Lost on: 05/17/2015

Area: Exhibition Park,  200 Prospect Rd., Halifax, Halifax Co., NS

Additional Notes: Found crossing the road at Exhibition Park

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: HRM Amimal Services by dialling 311 and picking 5 from the options or Homeward Bound City Pound at 902-407-7283.



  1. Chad Bower submitted this update

    There is an entrance to long lake provincial park at exabition park, maybe you could put up signs at the park? I shared it on the long lake Facebook group!

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