HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: ***STOCK PHOTO*** Lake Echo, Halifax Co., NS — West Highland Terrier, Male, 10 — “Tucker”


Tucker                  ***STOCK PHOTO***       Not Actual Dog

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yeah!! From the Finders: “My nephew found him earlier in the day by the elementary school, we called animal control and had him picked up since there was no collar or tags. We just called the owner, since we seen the post on Facebook.” That’s great news… Yeah!! He’s safe! Thanks to all who cared and shared Tucker’s post… It works!!! (4.12.15 – 4.12.15)

Breed or Mix: West Highland White Terrier

Sex: Male, Age: 10

Collar/Tags: No collar

Lost on: 04/12/2015

Area:  Lake Echo, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: He slipped out of his collar sometime Sunday, April 12 in the afternoon, he is very friendly and will usually come to you with his tail wagging and his ears down.

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