RAINBOW BRIDGE: Passed Away: Lost Dog: Wentworth, Cumberland Co., NS — Shepherd Mix, Male, 3 — “Milo”




RAINBOW BRIDGE: Passed Away – It is with a heavy sigh and a sad heart that I share that Milo has passed on. He is back home now though, buried and waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for his family. Our heartfelt condolences go out to all his family and friends. Thank you for being there to help with all the sharing and caring. (11.17.14 – 11.23.14)

Breed or Mix: Shepherd Mix

Sex: Male, Age: 3 yrs

Collar/Tags: Harley Davidson Collar

Lost on: 11/17/2014

Area: Wentworth, Cumberland, NS

Additional Notes: He is a golden color with a smooth coat. If you call his name he may come to you he is wearing a Harley Davidson collar with spikes on it.

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  1. Patti submitted this update

    Milo was found in a ditch not far from his home a truck hit him he likely died right away….he was buried this afternoon in his back yard

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