Nova Scotia Lost Dog Network: Live Trap Donation: THANK YOU ANNIE|Carol Atkinson

Nova Scotia Lost Dog Network would like to send out a HUGE THANK YOU to Carol Atkinson and her grand-dog Annie for their heartfelt donation of the largest collapsible Humane Live Trap available. With this we will be able to give families of lost dogs hope when a trap isn’t available in their area. Or if a large trap is not available as was the case with Annie, maybe this one will do the trick.



The Tru-Catch 48F, with Wheel Kit (thanks Carol!) is a beauty! She has already been out once helping with Gulluk’s Travels.  We hope to be able to loan her again soon, and often. Details to follow.


Annie was Carol’s daughter’s dog, a Bernese Mountain Dog, who escaped Carol’s house while dog sitting. She just felt awful, it was Christmas Eve after all. Annie is a pretty special dog to us, here at NSLDN. We were all helping with the Search for Annie when someone created an Annie Facebook Page. The light went on and we thought why couldn’t all lost dogs get this kind of help. After all, the more people that know, the more likely there will be sightings and a happy ending. Annie was missing for 13 days, travelled well over 50 miles, and lost almost 15 lbs weight. It took her a few months to recover, as Berner’s are a sensitive breed. But she did recover and is still a favourite Grand-dog to Carol and her family.


Carol Atkinson and Family – this is a most generous gift that will go on to help so many lost dogs. Fantastic!

Ann Morrison | Janet Chernin

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