HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Hwy #2, Milford Station, Hants Co., NS — Golden Doodle, Male, 7 — “Eli”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yippee!! Eli is back home after a night in the drunk tank! Oops! I mean he was with Animal Control… I shouldn’t assume things when I see a crooked tie. lol So happy he’s safe and home. Yeah!!! (4.7.14 – 4.8.14)

Breed or Mix: Golden Doodle

Sex: Male, Age: 7

Collar/Tags: Eli is wearing a “tie” collar, as shown in photo

Lost on: 04/07/2014

Area:  Hwy #2, Milford Station, Nova Scotia, NS

Additional Notes: Eli likes to roam the neighbourhood whenever he can sneak away. He is a very friendly dog. Loves other dogs and children. The picture attached was taken this morning. He is about 85lbs

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