HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Main Street, Springhill, Cumberland Co., NS — Lab/Border Collie Mix, Male, 7 months — “Sampson (Sammy)”


Sampson (Sammy)

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yippee!!! From the Owners: “He’s been found at the LA Animal Shelter Thank you all so much!” and “Thank you all for your help. You are all so wonderful !” (12.25.13 – 12.26.13)

Breed or Mix: Lab/Boarder collie mix

Sex: Male, Age: 7 months

Collar/Tags: No collar, he’s black with curley hair from his tail to his head.. Very friendly!

Lost on: 12/25/2013

Area: Top of main street, springhill NS, Main street, Nova Scotia, NS

Additional Notes: Sampson is very Friendly, he’s easy to spot because of how curly his hair seems to be from his tail to his head… very soft fur everywhere else. Medium build and NON aggressive. Very Passive and loving! He’s been missing since Christmas at 2:30 pm.. Please text or call if you’ve seen him!

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