HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Brighton Avenue, Sydney Mines, Cape Breton Co., NS — Australian Shepherd, Female, 5 years old — “Lacey”



HAPPY ENDING: Home; Safe N’ Sound! Wah hooo!! We thank the finder, Kim for keeping Lacey safe and all that shared. “We found her. Someone had her all day and kept her safe until they got in touch with us through Facebook. Thanks to everyone who helped and cross posted. She is now home safe.” (9.29.13 – 9.30.13)

Breed or Mix: Australian Sheppard

Sex: Female, Age: 5 years old

Collar/Tags: Blue Collar which has 2 tags one blue and one red both are chewed

Lost on: 09/29/2013

Area: Brighton Avenue, Sydney Mines,  NS

Additional Notes: Red Tri Aussie she has white around her neck, belly, nose and paws. She has long hair, no tail and is very active.

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