How to Use NSLDN Resources to Help Bring Missing Dogs Home – The Owner of a Happy Ending Pup Shares Their Story



What do you think lead to Remy being Home, Safe n’ Sound?

It was combination of posters and your site.

A couple spotted him last night in their parking lot and this morning and thanks to your website contacted me which got us back on the right trail.

Where did he spend the night?

We found where he spent the night, a nice little indent of him in a pile of leaves in the same place.

What was your plan then?

So a few hours after that spotting I was putting up posters in a major way around that area.

This lead to another sighting being reported:

I got a call from someone a block away that had just spotted him and called me thanks to the posters.

What happened when you arrived?

He was I saw him and he ran!

How did you proceed?

Thank god for the SNOW!!!!! I followed his tracks to a closed in back yard. and was able to use bags of soil they had to block the gap (so he couldn’t escape).

How did you approach him this time?

I got down on the ground and let him come to me. And a nice couple that had spotted me let me into their apartment to get him warm and get him calm before we tried to go home.

So you read the links we provided?

The getting low thing I read from your site and it helped – it honestly did. And he ran from my wife and I a total of 4 times while he was gone. It really hurts when he did it, but I understand now that it wasn’t because he hates us or anything like that, he had got free, he was excited and scared and nervous, and not because he doesn’t feel loved, its just his instinct. Soon as I got low though he get low as well and kinda crawled toward me and then attacked my face with his tongue. But the more excited we acted at first, when we couldn’t contain ourselves when seeing him,  just scared him off. You really do have to control your own instinct in order to theirs.

Thank you Katie and Tom for sharing, we are so happy that Remy is home where he belongs.



  1. Ray submitted this update

    wow I cried reading this …. how wonderful that the fine work by volunteers at the NSLDN and all their advice helped you to re unite with your puppy. I can only imagine how confusing it must be when you finally find your pet only to have them run again. That confuses me so much because I think they should “hey there here and run to you”. But Janet always say low and slow I hope if ever in this situation I can control my own emotions and instincts because I know my first thought would be to run towards them hollering their name crying. Another happy ending! congrats to all involved.

  2. Kim spurrell submitted this update

    Such a great story. It is so nice to hear the end story. It is affirming to know that the sharing works.

  3. Carla submitted this update

    I have friends that comment on the fact that all I post is dog stuff. This is why!!! If one of my fur babies was missing I would love help to bring them home. I wish everyone woud join this site. Thanks for your story about Remy ( BTW he is so cute).

  4. Kelly O submitted this update

    So glad this pumpkin is home. Bless his little soul, making a bed in the leaves. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Sandra Martin submitted this update

    I am so glad that Remy is home and very happy to hear that the NSLDN helped make that happen. I too have had friends comment on all the posts I’ve shared, but I know what it is like to have a missing pet and know how much it hurts when they’re gone. So, if there’s any chance that my sharing a post of a lost puppy will help reunite him or her with the owner then of course I will do that and encourage others too as well.

  6. Heather Morrison submitted this update


    I am one of the founders of NSLDN and I love this post! Thanks for Remy’s family for writing their experience.
    I moved to Denmark… Denmark in Scandinavia (aprox.5000 kms from Nova Scotia) about 9 months after we started the network. I LOVE how even from Denmark I can participate by sharing the posts and resources of NSLDN.
    I cant physically go on searches, or put up posters but I can share and I know it helps. Remy’s story is proof.

    I also love how they used the resources and learned how to approach Remy! WELL DONE! I think that is one of the hardest parts for owners – they cant believe that their loving pet would run from them in fear! Its instinct…they are animals. This is a survival reaction for them but unfortunately tough on us humans.

    GREAT job, Remy’s family…you got it right and Remy is now safely home!

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