HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Feeners Corner Rd., Upper Northfield, Lunenburg County, NS Co., NS — Black German Shepherd Mix, Male, 6 — “Sam”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! YIPPEE!!! So Lucky!!! From the Owner: “Sam came home around 9 pm last night, with a wire noose still attached tight around his neck, no sign of Kaytea. Despite the 20 cm of snow and by then rain, my husband and daughter got ready right away to follow the tracks back to where he was trapped and after a false lead, found Kaytea just before midnight about 3 km from home, in the middle of nowhere. She was still in another wire trap and very happy to see them. I picked them up with the car, when they got back out to a road. There were a lot of “ifs” involved, if Sam hadn’t been able to free himself, if it hadn’t snowed so there were tracks, if it hadn’t stopped! snowing at just the right time and start raining to preserve the tracks, if Sam hadn’t beelined it home (I guess he wasn’t so lost after all!), we would not have found them. My guess is, that they were trapped for about 2 days and that is why no one saw them or they didn’t return. I know, that the dogs shouldn’t have been anywhere near those traps, they were set far enough from a road, but apparently they weren’t checked either. Both dogs are exhausted and have minor wire marks on their necks, but are otherwise fine. Thank you so much for providing this website, we had posts from people we don’t know, but live in the area and said they would look out for them, and for caring and taking the time to help people find their pets, even on a holiday, it is very much appreciated.  I wish you a happy new year and again, thank you very much.  Imogen, Martin and Meghan” (12.25.12 – 12.27.12)

Breed or Mix: Black German Shepherd Mix

Sex: Male, Age: 6

Collar/Tags: Brown Leather Collar

Lost on: 12/25/2012

Area:  Feeners Corner Rd., Upper Northfield, Lunenburg County, NS, NS

Additional Notes: Friendly dog. He has a short black coat, is about 80 pounds. He has a stocky build.

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