HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yippee!! From the Owner: “Thanks to all the ppl who were looking our for Charlie in East Chezzetcook, he has been found and is now in the safe hands of Homeward Bound, we will be bringing him home today. Special thanks goes out to the lady that had found him, gave him some water and food and kept him safe
” (10.12.12 – 10.13.12)
Breed or Mix: Pomeranian/Terrier Mix
Sex: Male, Age: 5 yrs
Collar/Tags: Blue Collar, thin nylon
Lost on: 10/12/2012
Area: East Chezzetcook Rd, East Chezzetcook, Halifax Co., NS
Additional Notes: Charlie is a tan mix, he weighs about 14 lbs, he is very hyper and is timid towards other dogs. His fur is very curly and kinky.
Please Contact: …
Charlie is my dog and I just got word that he was last spotted down towards Mines Rd in East Chezzetcook just after supper, I am praying that someone finds him and brings him in tonight. If you have seen him please contact us at 902-981-4981 ask for Cathy
Thanks to all the ppl who were looking our for Charlie in East Chezzetcook, he has been found and is now in the safe hands of Homeward Bound, we will be bringing him home today. Special thanks goes out to the lady that had found him, gave him some water and food and kept him safe 🙂