HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dogs: Prospect Rd, Casey’s Corners/Coldbrook, Kings County Co., NS — Sheppard/Beagle mix, Male, Red, 5 Yrs Old, Collar/Tags — “Rusty” & Spaniel Mix, Female, White/Red, 2 Yrs Old, Collar/Tags – “Ginger”


Rusty (Red) & Ginger (White/Red)

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yippee!!   From the Owners: ” Hi Everyone, Rusty and Ginger are home save and sound but very very tired. Thank you all for your good thoughts, keen sight and caring.” (8.5.12 – 8.5.12)

Breed or Mix: Rusty: Sheppard/Beagle mix Looks like a sheppard sounds like a beagle & Ginger: Spaniel Mix, white/red

Sex: Rusty: Male & Ginger: Female Age: Rusty: 5 & Ginger: 2

Collar/Tags: Collars with Kings County tags and a tag with their name and our phome number

Lost on: 08/05/2012

Area: Prospect Rd (Englinh Mountain Rd and ProspectRd, Casey`s Corners/Coldbrook, Kings County, NS

Additional Notes: Rusty (neutered) was travelling with Ginger, ~two years, spayed female Spaniel mix of white and red. She was also wearing her collar, dog tags and a tag with her name and number. Both dogs love people, other dogs, cats and farm animals and will come to their name. They left our yard at ~0850 this morning, (05/08/2012) Please help us find these two loving and well loved family members.

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