Breed or Mix: weimaraner
Sex: Male, Age: 6months
Collar/Tags: blue n grey collar
Lost on: 03/22/2012
Area: 382 Falkland Ridge Rd, Springfield, Annapolis, NS
Additional Notes: Brownish grey short haired dog…he is very skittish and doesnt know the area…last seen on Davidson Mill Rd at 9:30 this morning (3.23.12)
Please Contact: sally hill, sallymarie1976@hotmail.com 902-547-2772
cell number 902-298-1379
Seen this morning (march24) around 830 on the Highway10 Springfield with a possible broken leg
we got him about 30 mins ago in a live trap….barked as we walked up to him but as soon as we got up to him we were able to stick our hand right in the cage n pet him…he was sooo happy to see us!…we are now onroute to the vet unfortunately Harley has a broken leg but otherwise appears find!
Wonderful news, so glad to hear he was caught!! Hoping all went OK @ the vet’s. Wishing him a speedy recovery.