HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Oakwood Ave, Dartmouth, Halifax Co., NS – Amstaff Mix, Female – spayed, Black/Brown, Micro Chipped, Friendly – "Diamond"

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe and Sound!! Yippee!! Thanks to the kind folks that took her in and kept her safe.  And thanks to all who shared the information.  Wonderful!  (2.19.12 – 2.20.12)

LOST DOG: Dartmouth/17 Oakwood Avenue/Halifax County FEMALE: Amstaff mix, spayed, chipped. Was not wearing a collar. Went missing Feb.19/12. approx. 4 pm. NAME: Diamond She is a sweet ‘pibble’ – very friendly dog, she is all black/brown but has a few markings of white located on her chest, she has big flop over ears. She has a very smooth and shiny coat. Please cross post and please contact

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