Happy Ending: Home Safe n’ Sound!!
Yeah, Droopy!!!!
LOST a small husky/lab mix black dog with front left leg white. Droopy was lost april 30th on queen street, Truro.
Happy Ending: Finders home are going to keep this dog … there was no owners looking for this dog. She will be vetted and her sons have named this sweet GIRL – Howie ROFL … she sleeps with her new BFF – all is well and all are happy!
I have found a small, young Blue Tick Beagle, very friendly and loving. I am sure someone is missing this beautiful dog. We live on the *** Road close to New Minas.
This little dog was found in the Canaan area just outside of new minas.
She is very friendly, she loves my kids and follows them
everywhere. I’m sure she was loved and is very missed by her family.
I would guess her to be between 1 and 2 years old.
Updated May 4/11
Happy Ending: Home Safe n’ Sound! Thanks to the people who were so kind to take in this pooch and keep it safe until the owners were found. And thanks to those who spread the word. Yeah!!
FOUND: Beagle on Brooklyn St., Kentville, NS, beside the dump. She is very friendly, and loving. She had no tags and we’re not sure if she has been fixed.
If you are missing this dog please call asap:
We never heard from these people and are just assuming it is someones idea of a joke… though, lost dogs are nothing to joke about.
Reward offered leading to return of a female Border Collie lost in the vicinity of Middle Sackville. Lost pet answers to the name “Bobby”, as typical black & white purebreed markings, weighs between 35-40 lbs and has no tail. She chases it a lot though and may have become disorientated looking for her tail & spinning in circles.
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n’ Sound!! YEAH STARR!!!!
My dog was tied up outside Ultramar on Nichols avenue in Kentville last night and is now missing, her name is Starr and is 4 years old. She is wearing a silver choke collar, has brown spots on white fur, is very hyper for her age and means alot to us…if anyone can locate her, please email me
Thanks, Angela
Happy Ending: The owners were found and there was a happy reunion. Home safe n’ sound. Yeah!! Thanks to the people who took her in and to all who spread the word.
FOUND: Sydney, Nova Scotia – young female 5-6 month old Staffi? mix. Friendly and active. Please cross post to help locate his owner. He is being well cared for and is safe out of traffic. Please contact Hector if you know this dog at
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n’ Sound: ENFIELD/NINE MILE RIVER: Annie is a 61/2 year old Australian Shepherd. She is wearing her tags, is chipped. Last seen on the walking trail out by Tilderberry’s farm (formerly a winery). She is very friendly – she got spooked by a deer.
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