HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Truro, Colchester Co., NS — Boxer/Labrador Retriever mix, Male, 4 yrs — “Arrow”


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! Thanks so much to all who cared and shared his info. And love it when sightings are reported too. Apparently, when sighted Arrow was headed home, as that’s where he was found while Dad was out searching. Smart pup! Thanks everyone…YIPPEE!! (3.30.18 – 3.31.18)

Breed or Mix: Boxer/Labrador Retriever mix

Sex: Male, Age: 4 yrs

Collar/Tags: Camo collar

Lost on: 03/31/2018

Area: Truro, Colchester, NS

Additional Notes: Very friendly dog whose family is very worried about him. Please report any sightings immediately.

Please Contact: …


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dogs: West New Annan, Colchester Co., NS — Buster: Chocolate Labrador Retriever, Male, 6 Yrs and Bonnie: Great Pyrenees, Female, 5 Yrs — “Buster and Bonnie”

Buster and Bonnie

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From their very happy family: “Had a call at 1.00am to say they had made it … 5km away. They are safe and very tired and wet. Now getting some rest… Thanks for your help.” Fantastic news. Thanks to all who cared and shared their info. YIPPEE!! (3.30.18 – 3.31.18)

Breed or Mix: Buster: Chocolate Labrador Retriever and Bonnie: Great Pyrenees

Sex: Male, Age: Buster: 5 and Bonnie: 6

Collar/Tags: No

Lost on: 03/30/2018

Area: West New Annan, Colchester, NS

Additional Notes: Very friendly dogs who are dearly missed. Please report any sightings immediately. Thank you.

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Five Mile River, East Hants Municipality, NS — Lab/Beagle/Shepherd mix, Male, Adult — “Unknown”


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From Trigger’s happy family: “Thank you for everyone’s help, I’m his owner. Just anticipating the call to pick him up” Thanks so much to all who cared and shared as usual…. YIPPEE!! (3.29.18 – 3.30.18)

Breed or Mix: Lab/Beagle/Shepherd mix

Sex: Male, Age: Adult (around 3 years)

Collar/Tags: No collar, no tags, no chip

Found on: 03/29/2018

Area: Five Mile River, East Hants Municipality, NS

Additional Notes: He was found near the Five Mile River sign just before Dixson Rd on Hwy 236. He is very friendly. Thanks to the finder for getting him off the busy roads. He is now safe, and in the care of East Hants Animal Control.

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: By Law Enforcement and Dog Control Officer, East Hants at 902-883-7098 ext. 207



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Lakeview, Halifax Co., NS — Cocker Spaniel, Sex Unknown, Adult — “Unknown”

Actual photo of Chelsey…now Home, Safe n’ Sound!


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From her new Friends: “Chelsey the golden cocker spaniel has been claimed by her owners at Cobequid animal hospital, Lower Sackville, NS. Thank you for your help. Happy ending!” Thanks so much to the kind folks that got her to safety and to to Cobequid Animal Hospital for keeping her safe and getting her home. Terrific! Thanks to all who cared and shared her info. (3.26.18 – 3.27.18)

Breed or Mix: Cocker Spaniel (Blonde)

Sex: Unknown, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: Unknown

Lost on: 03/26/2018

Area: Lakeview, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: This dog, a blonde Cocker Spaniel, is hiding under the neighbours deck.

Please Contact: …



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dogs: Centreville, Kings Co., NS — 2 Beagles, Male, Adults — “Unknown”


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! Thanks so much to the person that was able to get these two happy dogs to safety and to Kings County Animal Control for keeping them safe and now getting them back home. Terrific news! Thanks as well to all who cared and shared their info. YIPPEE!! (3.26.18 – 4.2.18)

Breed or Mix: 2 Beagles

Sex: Male, Age: Adults

Collar/Tags: Collars/No tags

Found on: 03/26/2018

Area: Centreville, Kings, NS

Additional Notes: These two Beagles were found playing in Traffic in Centreville (Near Charles MacDonald Concrete House Museum) this afternoon (3.26.18). They were safely taken to Kings County SPCA in Waterville as it was unsafe to leave them roaming.

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Kings County Animal Control at 902-678-3647 or Kings County SPCA at 902-538-9075



LOST DOG FLYER: Alice, Tervuren (Belgian Shepherd), Female 6 Yrs – Elderbank, Halifax, NS – 3.21.18

FLYERS are best used handing out going door to door searching. Also they are appropriate for busy pedestrian traffic such as mailboxes, lamp posts near bus stops, etc., and on bulletin boards and windows of local businesses. Take one to work and put it up in the staff room or out front if possible. Thank you.

Please feel free to print off copies of the flyer to hand out:



This is a JPG version:

And here is a PDF version:

Flyer for Alice


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Kingston, Kings Co., NS — German Shepherd, Female, 5months — “Ceilidh (Kailey)”


Ceilidh (Kailey)

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. Sweet Ceilidh is back where she belongs. (3.24.18 – 3.25.18)

Breed or Mix: German Shepherd

Sex: Female, Age: 5 months

Collar/Tags: Red Collar

Lost on: 03/24/2018

Area: Kingston, Kings, NS

Additional Notes: German Shepherd with grey eyes and greyish blue coat. Someone said they seen her being dropped off from a truck on Greenwood Rd in Kingston. Various sitings since. She is skittish so if you see her pls call and report your sighting immediately.

Please Contact:…

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: North End Halifax, Halifax Co., NS — Miniature Pinscher, Male, 16 Yrs — “Rudy”


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From his happy owners: “A guy just up the road found him wondering around and called the city to report that he had found Rudy.” Fantastic news. So happy that Rudy found his way back home, thanks so much to all who cared and shared his info. YIPPEE!! (3.24.18 – 3.25.18)

Breed or Mix: Miniature Pinscher

Sex: Male, Age: 16 Yrs

Collar/Tags: ?

Lost on: 03/24/2018

Area: Woodill St, North End Halifax, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: Dog was last seen this morning around 6am.

Please Contact: …


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Sighted: Roaming Dog: Ellershouse, Hants Co., NS — Irish Wolfhound, Male, Adult — “Unknown”


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! At least we hope so…this dog has been identified as a ‘local’ dog who is allowed to roam…sigh! Thank you to all who cared and shared his info, here’s hoping he stays safe. Thank you. (3.23.18 – 3.23.18)

Breed or Mix: Irish Wolfhound

Sex: Male, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: None

Sighted on: 03/23/2018

Area: Ellershouse, Hants, NS

Additional Notes: This gentle giant was sighted roaming at the top of Ellershouse Rd this evening, it was being very cautious/scared. Please share his info so he gets home safely, thank you.

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Hants County Animal Control; Ryan Parker at 902-798-8391 or Quinn Church at 902-798-6940



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Sighted: Roaming Dog: Elderbank, Halifax Co., NS — Labrador Retriever/Border Collie, Male, Adult — “Unknown”


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! This lovely explorer has made it home safely. Thanks so much to all who cared and shared his info. It works! So glad they are safe. Yeah!! Yippee!! (3.23.18 – 3.23.18)

Breed or Mix: Labrador Retriever/Border Collie mix

Sex: Male, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: Blue Collar

Sighted on: 03/23/2018

Area: Elderbank, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: Friendly but not road wise

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Halifax Animal Control by calling 311 

