Inu (E-New)
HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared. We are doing the serious HAPPY DANCE here for Inu and his family. Thrilled that he was found! “After 6 days out in the woods, Inu showed up sitting in the crate (full of my stinky socks and by other dogs blanket to attract him to the scent), we left in the woods near where he went missing. He is very bug bitten and thin but in good spirits. Thank you to everyone who called and left food out in the woods for him and a big thanks to the NS Lost Dog Network” (7.8.18 – 7.13.18)
Breed or Mix: Miniature Pinscher (MinPin)
Sex: Male, Age: 4 Yrs
Collar/Tags: No collar/tags
Lost on: 07/08/2018
Area: Newport, Hants, NS
Additional Notes: MALE: MinPin, 3-4 years old, 10 – 15lbs., black and tan coat, not wearing a collar, friendly but may appear aggressive. NAME: Inu (E-NEW) He went missing on July 8/18. NOTE: He has a medical condition and needs medications. LOCATION: Trails North of MacLean’s Petro Canada and opposite Chamber’s Rd along Hwy 215. #NSLostDogNetInu
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