Baron and Lucky
HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. ‘The partners in crime’ were found in Simpsons Corner and back home where they belong. (8.7.18- 8.8.18)
Breed or Mix: Baron: Doberman Pinscher and Lucky: Beagle
Sex: Both Male, Age: Baron: 11 Months and Lucky: 5 Yrs
Collar/Tags: Baron: No collar/tags and Lucky: Camo collar/no tags
Lost on: 08/08/2018
Area: Hemford, Lunenburg, NS
Additional Notes: MALE: Doberman Pinscher, 11 months old, black and tan, docked tail, flop ears, not wearing a collar. NAME: Baron MALE: Beagle, 5 years old, black, white and tan coat with speckling on legs, wearing a camo collar, no tags. NAME: Lucky Both went missing on Aug.7/18. #NSLostDogNetBaronLucky
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