FOUND DOG: between Exit 3 & 4 on the 103. around 3PM, Sunday, October 2nd. BREED: Pomeranian wearing a blue collar. Male. The dog is terrified and very skittish. The finder has called all agencies to report this dog. Does anyone know this dog? Please cross post. Please call Susan at 402-7523. Thank you Susan for keeping this dog safe!
FOUND: Roaming Dog: Pomeranian, male, blue collar – Hwy 103 btwn Exits 3 & 4, HRM, NS
FOUND: Roaming Dog: Shepherd/Lab Mix: female, young ~ 9 months old, black and tan, 50lbs – Hwy 101 between St Croix & Windsor, Hants Co., NS

FOUND: Roaming Dog: Shepherd/Lab Mix: female, young ~ 9 months old, black and tan, 50lbs - Hwy 101 between St Croix & Windsor, Hants Co., NS
FOUND DOG: #101 Hwy. between Windsor to Saint Croix/Hants County FEMALE: Possible Shep/Lab Mix young female est. 9 months old – black and tan color and body shape, ears are floppy. She weighs 50lbs. She knows how to “sit” and “give paw” so was definitely someone’s pet.She has been examined, de-flead, de-wormed and vaccinated so she can be transferred to the boarding kennel early this evening.If you know of someone missing their dog or have information please contact the Hants SPCA at or 757-2000
Facebook Comment: “I am not sure if she was his or not, apparently he has left and gone to BC to live with his brother, last weekend was his going away party and now no one is in the house.”
HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n' Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Terrier/Lab/Boxer Mix: female, golden brown and white, red bandana – Chester Basin, Lunenburg Co., NS

FOUND: Roaming Dog: Terrier/Lab/Boxer Mix: female, golden brown and white, red bandana - Chester Basin, Lunenburg Co., NS
HAPPY ENDING: Home, safe and sound. Re-homed actually. This lovely dog was lucky enough to find his forever home. Thanks to everyone that helped, and stepped up to keep this dog safe. Terrific!!
FOUND DOG: Chester Basin/Lunenburg County FEMALE: A beautiful golden brown and white Terrier/lab/boxer (?) mix. She is wearing a red bandana for a scarf.
FOUND: Roaming Dog: Beagle: male, young 6 – 8 months, brown/white collar – Off Scott Dr., Kentville, Kings Co., NS

FOUND: Roaming Dog: Beagle: male, young 6 - 8 months, brown/white collar - Off Scott Dr., Kentville, Kings Co., NS
FOUND DOG: Kentville/ off Scott Drive/Kings Co. MALE: Beagle – young – 6-8 months old. (?) Wearing a brown and white collar. Please contact Tanya @ 690-7987. Thank you to Gina for keeping this wee boy safe. Please cross post
LOST DOG: ELVIS: Teacup Yorkie: male, 3 yrs old, 6 lbs, black collar with tags, microchipped – Voyageur Way, Hammonds Plains, HRM, NS

LOST DOG: ELVIS: Teacup Yorkie: male, 3 yrs old, 6 lbs, black collar with tags, microchipped - Voyageur Way, Hammonds Plains, HRM, NS
LOST DOG: Hammonds Plains/Voyageur Way MALE: Teacup Yorkie, 3 years old. wearing a collar with Tags, and is micro chipped, weighing approx. 6 lbs. Neutered. NAME: Elvis Please cross post and keep your eyes open for this wee fellow. He was wearing a black collar with a tag that was registered with Eidap. He went missing on Sept 15/1. Owner has called all agencies, postered her area and is actively looking. Please call Colleen at 429 2189 and my cell is 449-0357.
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Willie: Cocker Spaniel, male, blonde, collar and blue leash, 3 yrs old – East Clifford, Lunenburg Co., NS

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Willie: Cocker Spaniel, male, blonde, collar and blue leash, 3 yrs old - East Clifford, Lunenburg Co., NS
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n’ Sound: Willie came home in the wee morning hours – dirty and stinky. Seems Willie had an adventure – HAPPY ENDING Updated: Sept 29/11
LOST DOG: East Clifford/Lunenburg Co. about 15 mins. from Exit 13 close to the Oickle Irving Station MALE: Blonde Cocker Spaniel, wearing a collar and trailing a blue leash, Very shy – 3 years old. NAME: Willie Please cross post Please call …
FOUND: Roaming Dog: Terrier Mix: male, gray/black, ~30lbs – Italy Cross, Lunenburg Co, NS
FOUND DOG: Italy Cross, Lunenburg County MALE: Terrier mix – grey and black about 30lbs. unaltered, not wearing a collar. Was spotted in the area for about a week and was picked up on Saturday, Sept. 24/11. He is being cared for at the Lunenburg Animal Services. Very friendly. Do you know who owns this dog? Please contact 902-543-2022 if you have any information.
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Lab Mix, male, black with some white markings, young adult – Lower Sackville, HRM, NS

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Lab Mix, male, black with some white markings, young adult - Lower Sackville, HRM, NS
HAPPY ENDING: This dog was picked up at Animal Services/Pound by its happy owners… Home Safe n’ Sound! Thanks again for taking this dog in and keeping him safe. And to everyone that shared the info… Yippee!!
FOUND DOG: Lwr. Sackville/ Metropolitan Rd. Area/ Halifax Co. MALE: Black lab mix – appears to be young, 2-3 yrs. old. Has slightly white tipped paws, white on chest and under chin. Not altered – not wearing a collar. Very friendly. Please cross post. …
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Cheeko: Boxer Mix, tan with white, male – Lyons Brook, Pictou Co., NS

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Lost Dog: Cheeko: Boxer Mix, tan with white, male - Lyons Brook, Pictou Co., NS
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n’ Sound: Thanks to everyone who helped…wonderful!!
LOST DOG: Lyons Brook/Pictou County MALE: Boxer mix – tan with white on face and front legs and chest and wee tip on tail. NAME: Cheeko – has been missing since Friday, Sept. 23/11 at 2pm. Cheeko is friendly BUT if you find him DO NOT corner him – he may be afraid. Please call …right away. A reward is offered.
HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: American Eskimo Mix, female, 2-3 yrs old, flea collar – Juniper St, Truro, Colchester Co., NS

HAPPY ENDING: Home Safe n' Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: American Eskimo Mix, female, 2-3 yrs old, flea collar - Juniper St, Truro, Colchester Co., NS
HAPPY ENDING: This lady is home safe and sound. Thanks to everyone that shared her info… spreading the word about lost and found dogs brings them home! Yippee!!!
FOUND DOG: Truro/Juniper St./Colchester Co. FEMALE: possible American Eskimo Mix (?) – appears to be 2-3 years old. Wearing a flea collar and looks to be well looked after. Please call Animal Services if you know who owns this dog @ … Thank you to Brett for keeping this dog safe.