HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog:Halifax, Halifax Co., NS — Chihuahua/Pomeranian Mix, Male, 14 — “Rusty”





HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!!  “Rusty followed my nephew home tonight and was kept safe and sound, he is now being reunited with his family” Thanks to the nice folks that kept him safe and to all who cared and shared. (3.23.15 – 3.23.15)

Breed or Mix: Chihuahua/Pomeranian Mix

Sex: Male, Age: 14

Collar/Tags: n/a

Lost on: 03/23/2015

Area: Halifax, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: Rusty is timid and quite deaf. He is red in color and has no teeth.

Please Contact:…


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dogs: Dartmouth, Halifax Co., NS — German Shepherd, Male(?), Adult & Basenji, Male(?), Adult — Unknown



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From their Family: “Thanks to whoever found our girls. We appreciate it very much! They are home safe and sound.” Thank you to all who cared and shared. (3.23.15 – 3.23.15)

Breeds: German Shepherd & Basenji

Sex: Males (?), Age:  Adults

Collar/Tags: No

Found on: 3.23.15

Area: Dartmouth, Halifax Co., NS

Additional Info: MALE (?): German Shepherd, no collar. MALE(?): Basenji, no collar. Found roaming on March 23/15.

Contact Info: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Animal Control Services at 311 or contact Homeward Bound City Pound

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Sydney Mines, Cape Breton Co., NS — Collie Mix, Female, 9 months — “Carly”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yeah!! From the Owner: “Someone found her in Groves Point, I’m going to go pick her up!” YIPPEE!!! Thanks to all who cared and shared. Great News! (3.22.15 – 3.31.15)

Breed or Mix: Collie Mix

Sex: Female, Age: (Approx.) 9 months old

Collar/Tags: None

Lost on: 03/22/2015

Area: Sydney Mines, Cape Breton, NS

Additional Notes: Brown brindle markings on face , ears and back.

Please Contact:…

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Westville, Pictou Co., NS — Choc. Lab Mix, Male, 7 years — “Lance”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From his Family: “Lance has been found, safe and sound! Thanks to everyone for searching and sharing!” Terrific news! (3.23.15 – 3.23.15)

Breed or Mix: Choc. Lab Mix

Sex: Male, Age: 7 years

Collar/Tags: Heavy blue collar

Lost on: 03/23/2015

Area:  Westville, Pictou, NS

Additional Notes: Extremely friendly

Please Contact: …


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Upper Branch, Lunenburg Co., NS — German Shorthaired Pointer, Female, 5 — “Fancy”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that card and shared. We thank our members that networked. ” Hi we have Fancy back, she was close by! We were worried about her out in the cold all night..she was safe and warm. Thanks to nice lady who took her in and all the dog people who helped locate her! That was fast! Cheers.” (3.22.15 – 3.23.15)

Breed or Mix: German Shorthaired Pointer

Sex: Female, Age: 5

Collar/Tags: Burgundy nylon collar

Lost on: 03/22/2015

Area: Upper Branch, Lunenburg co, NS

Additional Notes: Went missing yesterday, ran off our farm with our shepherd. Friendly but can be timid. Likes car rides.

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Sydney, Cape Breton Co., NS — Chocolate Lab, Male, 5 — “Bailey”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From his Family: “Bailey was found is safe at home!!” Thanks to all who cared and shared his info. Terrific! (3.22.15 – 3.23.15)

Breed or Mix: Chocolate Lab

Sex: Male, Age: 5

Collar/Tags: No

Lost on: 03/22/2015

Area:  Sydney, Cape Breton, NS

Additional Notes: Very friendly, small for a lab only weighs about 40 pound. Tail curls up when he is standing, small patch of white on his chest. Not wearing a collar, when he escaped the back yard.

Please Contact: …


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Dartmouth, Halifax Co., NS — Bichon Frise/Poodle Mix, Male, 5 — “Ezou”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yeah!! From his Family: “We found him late last night out in the neighborhood! Thank you to anyone who looked around for him.” Thank you to all who cared and shared as well. Terrific news! (3.22.15 – 3.23.15)

Breed or Mix: Bichon Frise/Poodle Mix

Sex: Male, Age: 5

Collar/Tags: He has a silver pill container on his collar that has a rolled up piece of paper in it. That paper has our address and phone number on it if you find him!

Lost on: 03/22/2015

Area: Dartmouth, NS

Additional Notes: He’s a small bichon poodle mix with really fluffy hair. He was last seen near Oathill lake in Dartmouth, NS on March 22nd at approx 8 PM.

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Centerville, Kings Co., NS — Chow Chow, Male, Adult — “Yogi”





HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yeah!! From his Family: “He is home safe and sound, was sitting by the doorstep when I was heading out to look for him this morning. Thanks to everyone for all the help.” Terrific News! Thanks to all who cared and shared! (3.22.15 – 3.23.15)

Breed or Mix: Chow Chow

Sex: Male, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: Collar with Municipal Tags

Lost on: 03/22/2015

Area:  Centerville, Kings, NS

Additional Notes: Last seen around noon hour in Centerville.

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Old Sambro Rd., Williamswood, Halifax Co., NS — Boxer/AmStaff Mix, Male, Adult — “Unknown”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yippee!! This is Zeus who broke his leash earlier today, but was lucky enough to be found and kept safe by some kind folks until Animal Control could pick him up. He’s safe with Homeward Bound City Pound and will be going home tomorrow. Yeah! Thanks to all who cared and shared. (3.22.15 – 3.22.15)

Breed or Mix: Boxer/AmStaff Mix

Sex: Male, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: None

Found on: 03/22/2015

Area: Old Sambro Road, Williamswood, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: If anyone knows who might own this dog he is safe and sound. He was picked on Old Sambro Rd. PLEASE SHARE.

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Animal Control by dialling 311. 


LOST DOG: 986 English Mountain Road, South Alton, Kings Co., NS — Beagle/German Wiredhaired Pointer Mix, Female, 13 years old — “Callie”



Breed or Mix: Beagle/German Wiredhaired Pointer Mix

Sex: Female, Age: 13 years old

Collar/Tags: Red collar

Lost on: 03/21/2015

Area: 986 English Mountain Road, South Alton, Kings, NS

Additional Notes: Short Black fur with gray markings around eyes nose and paws. She also has a Gray beard and webbed paws. Callie can be shy at first and may bark at strangers but very friendly.

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Nadine, nadinedoyle17@gmail.com 902 691 0063 or Frank at 902 678 2310