HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Lovat, Pictou Co., NS — Chocolate lab, Female, 4 yrs old — “Remi”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From her Family: “The neighbours went searching for her when we had to go to work…found her not too far away.” What wonderful neighbours! We thank all that cared and shared. She is back home for the Howlidays. (12.15.16 – 12.16.15)

Breed or Mix: Chocolate lab

Sex: Female, Age: Four years old

Collar/Tags: No collar

Lost on: 12/15/2015

Area: Lovat, Pictou Co., NS

Additional Notes: My dogs name is remi. She is four years old and is very friendly. She is a chocolate lab. She went missing this morning around 6 am and hasn’t come back home. We just moved to this area so she isn’t familiar with the area. Very worried about her and really want her to be back home with her family who loves her very much.

Please Contact: …


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Newcombville, Lunenburg Co., NS — Chocolate Lab, Male, Adult — “Whiskey”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound!! Yeah!! From his Family: “Yea he has been found.” Terrific news! Thanks so much to all who took the time to care and share Whiskey’s info… very much appreciated. Yippee! (12.14.15 – 12.15.15)

Breed or Mix: Chocolate Lab

Sex: Male, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: Green collar with tags that have his name on it and a phone number

Lost on: 12/14/2015

Area: Newcombville, Lunenburg Co., NS

Additional Notes: Whiskey has medium length fur and is very friendly but may be shy/nervous when being approached by a stranger. His tags does have a phone number on them that can be used to contact the owner. He ran off on December 14th early afternoon with another dog but the other dog returned shortly after leaving.

Please Contact: …

LOST DOG: 6 First Crescent, Greenwood, King’s Co., NS — Husky, Male, 11 — “Fang, Dang, Danger”



 SHAVED in Above Photos | FULL COAT in Below PhotoLOSTNewPhotoFangHuskyMale11yrsGreenwoodKings12:15:15

POSSIBLE SIGHTING: 3.29.16 County Home Rd., Waterville, Kings, NS:POSSIBLESIGHTINGFANGHuskyLostGreenwood3:29:16

Fang, Dang, Danger

UPDATE: POSSIBLE SIGHTING – 3.29.16 An employee for the SPCA Shelter on the County Home Rd., in Waterville, Kings Co. sighted a dog looking like Fang in the field across from the Shelter. Please share again will give more eyes in the search, so more sightings can be reported to his owner.


UPDATE: POSSIBLE SIGHTING – 12.16.15 – “Just received a message from a man who confirms he saw Fang near the off ramp for exit 17 on Tuesday morning when he ran away! That’s where some fresh tracks were found yesterday so now we are confident that he was and maybe still is in that area!”

Breed or Mix: Husky

Sex: Male, Age: 11 yrs

Collar/Tags: None – he got out of the house with no collar on

Lost on: 12/15/2015

Area:  6 First Crescent, Greenwood, King’s Co., NS

Additional Notes: Fang is about 60 pounds and has some black coloration down his back. He is a very kind and friendly boy and will approach people comfortably but he is also a runner!

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Tim at 902-824-2273
Backup Contacts:
Sasha @ 709-640-2257
Trevor @ 902-844-1651

LOST DOG: Hingley Rd. at Mines Rd., Duck Pond, Hants Co., NS — Beagle, Male, 13 years old — “Willie or Will”


12366843_10156410982525145_493469238_n (1)

Willie or Will

Breed or Mix: Beagle

Sex: Male, Age: Senior (about 13 years old)

Collar/Tags: Collar with hunting bell

Lost on: 12/12/2015

Area: Hingley Rd. at Mines Rd., Benjamins Mill, Hants, NS

Additional Notes: Willie is a senior beagle ( the photo is a younger pic of him ) he is petite, sweet and loveable dog with big floppy ears and and he will come to anyone, he was hunting for the first time this season and was on a rabbit barking and loving it and then just vanished the men searched every day since but no luck so if anyone sees him please contact

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Gary at 902-997-1466


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: HWY 224, Chatswood, Middle Musquodoboit, Halifax Co., NS — Retriever/German Shepherd Mix, Male, 4 — “Sam”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! Sam has been found at Homeward Bound City Pound. Yeah!! So thrilled he’s safe and a big thank you to all who cared and shared his info. Yippee!! (12.14.15 – 12.14.15)

Breed or Mix: Retriever/German Sheppard Mix

Sex: Male, Age: 4

Collar/Tags: He didn’t have a collar on when he went missing

Lost on: 12/14/2015

Area: HWY 224, Chatswood, Middle Musquodoboit, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: Sam is a large black dog with flecks of brown in his fur, he is very friendly and obedient, he is a Golden Retriever/German Sheppard mix, he didn’t have his collar on at the time he went missing, he was last seen around 4pm in the Chaswood area of the Musquodoboit Valley.

Please Contact:…

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Found: Roaming Dog: Woodville, King’s Co., NS — Black German Shepherd Mix, Male, Adult — “Unknown”




Breed or Mix: Black German Shepherd Mix

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. We thank the finder that kept him safe and contacted us. The owner was able to see that her dog was safe and found. Have to love networking! (12.14.15 – 12.14.15)

Sex: Male, Age: Adult

Collar/Tags: Green John Deer Collar

Lost on: 12/14/2015

Area: Woodville, King’s, NS

Additional Notes: Long hair all black. Very friendly. Found roaming around midnight last night.

Please Contact: …


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Sydney, Cape Breton Co., NS — Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Male, 7 years — “Zephyr”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah! We thank all that cared and shared. ” I have a happy update! Zephyr was located a short time ago by an alert lady who recognized him. All thanks to social media so THANK YOU! Truly amazing how much people care. A very happy ending for sure. Thank you again so much – you’re awesome!!” (12.13.15 – 12.14.15)

Breed or Mix: Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

Sex: Male, Age: 7 years

Collar/Tags: Brown collar, no tags

Lost on: 12/13/2015

Area: Sydney, Cape Breton Co., NS

Additional Notes: Zephyr went missing around 4pm on Sunday December 13. He is new to this area of Sydney. Zephyr is high energy and friendly. His family is eager to get him safely back home. Thank you!

Please Contact: …


HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: Elmsdale, Hant’s Co., NS — Boxer/Lab Mix, Male, 10 — “Trouble”




HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! From his new Family: “He’s back home. Thanks. Great website!!” Thrilled to hear this senior is home and have to thank all that cared and share his info. Yippee!! (12.13.15 – 12.14.15)

Breed or Mix: Boxer/Lab Mix

Sex: Male, Age: 10 yrs

Collar/Tags: None when he left for his adventure

Lost on: 12/13/2015

Area: Elmsdale, Hant’s, NS

Additional Notes: He’s a nice mellow fella. He has a bubble on his butt that is scheduled for surgery soon.

Please Contact: …

HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound: Lost Dog: ***STOCK PHOTO*** Howie Centre, Cape Breton Co., NS — Beagle, Female, 12 — “Allie”



HAPPY ENDING: Home, Safe n’ Sound! Yeah!! We thank all that cared and shared. “She has been found!!!! A lovely family found her and took her in for the night and brought her home today thank you everyone for sharing!” (12.13.15 – 12.14.15)

Breed or Mix: Beagle

Sex: Female, Age: 12

Collar/Tags: Bright orange collar with name plate

Lost on: 12/13/2015

Area:  Howie Centre, Cape Breton, NS

Additional Notes: Old dog, beagle breed answers to Allie. Is wearing an orange collar with a name plate but the phone number is wrong. Correct phone number is below. Was wearing a tracking collar but the signal was lost heading towards Meadows Road in Howie Center.

Please Contact:…

LOST DOG: 34 Killarney Crescent, Upper Lawrencetown, Halifax Co., NS — Parson Russell Terrier, Female, 10 months — “PEARL”




Breed or Mix: Parson Russell Terrier

Sex: Female, Age: 10 months

Collar/Tags: No collar but is microchipped

Lost on: 12/13/2015

Area: 34 Killarney Crescent, Upper Lawrencetown, Halifax, NS

Additional Notes: Pearl is a little bundle of energy that loves everyone young and old! She folds herself in half with excitement and throws herself on the ground tail going a mile a minute looking for love and affection. She’s smooth coated and 90 % white in Color. As the picture shows she has a Black and Tan head piece and ticking (tan spots) on her legs that are faded. She is great with other dogs and is microchipped.

Please Contact: Please cross post and if you have any information contact: Bradley at 902-233-6543 or Gail at 902-956-1143